Sena 10C Pro cannot use Video Tagging mode


15 commenti

  • beans


    You have to be in loop mode and recording in loop mode continuously. Then hold the camera button for 3 seconds.


  • George M
    George M

    It took me a little bit of looking around to find this out for my (new/replacement) 10C Pro as well.  Coming from a 10C to a 10C Pro (warranty replacement), I do not like, nor really understand the change.

  • Albert De La Riva
    Albert De La Riva

    according to the new update:



    February 11, 2019
    • Video Tagging support

    it should do video tagging, MINE DOES NOT DO TAGGING!!!


    uggghhhhhhh come on SENA.....

  • Darryl Wong
    Darryl Wong

    Hi guys

    Thanks Beans for the tip I did try what you suggested and I did get it to TAG I still need to try different options but what I tried was leaving it in Loop recording for a few minutes before I tried Tagging which created 3 3minute files in the tagging folder

    1) 3minutes of looping before I hit tagging

    2) 3 minutes of video after I hit tagging

    3) 2 minutes of video after the tagging stopped ( the device never told me that tagging was complete

    On the original 10C was the device always in loop mode? it was always just so simple to hold the button for 3 seconds and boom Video Tagging occured



  • Sena Support
    Sena Support

    In order for the Video Tagging feature on the 10C Pro to work properly, the camera has to be in Looping mode. When you start capturing video and activate the Video Tagging feature, up to 3 minutes of footage that was being captured will be stored in the TAGGING folder on the SD card along with 2 other 3 minute files. Once the Video Tagging feature is complete then it will return to capturing footage in Looping mode and store in the LOOP folder.


    @Daryl: The original 10C was looping footage internally while in Video Tagging mode until the Camera Button was held down for 3 seconds. At that point, the camera stops looping internally, saves that footage to the SD card and then records additional footage until Video Tagging is complete where it then returns to looping footage internally.

  • Barry Van Schaik
    Barry Van Schaik

    It sounds to me like your customers (myself included) would prefer video to be looped internally and then it gets recorded when tagged. The way it currently works with the 10C Pro is ridiculous. Fix it.

  • Nick Maynard
    Nick Maynard

    I'm having the same problem.  my 10c pro is in loop mode, but I can't get the tagging feature to work. while recording, if I hold the camera button for 3 seconds it switches off the camera.  pressing the camera button takes a snapshot.  What am I missing?

  • Darryl Wong
    Darryl Wong

    It sounds like your doing it correctly


    so you should

    1 turn on sena and then turn on camera

    2 start recording (in loop mode)

    3 then press the camera button again till you hear the first beep (maybe 1 sec) and then it should tell you that your "now tagging"

  • Sena Support
    Sena Support

    @Nick You are performing the correct operation to use the Video Tagging feature. Holding down the Camera Button for 3 seconds while recording video in Loop Recording Mode should not turn the camera off because the only way to turn the camera off is to tap the Camera Button and the Phone Button at the same time.

  • Csulyma

    just got a 10c pro and am very disappointed in its performance.

    the best part of the sena10c was that it had loop recording and saved only when I touched the button if I wanted to search through hours of video I would have gotten a GoPro. the other thing that I was disappointed in was that the main reason for me getting a new unit was that my 10c began to have very annoying wind noise while moving. I figured the new unit with noise control I would be able to eliminate the external mic from the unit and not have this noise. I am considering returning the unit and changing brands. Please tell me why I shouldn't?


  • Sena Support
    Sena Support

    @Csulyma The videos are saved in a separate folder when you use the Video Tagging feature on the 10C Pro so that you don't have to search through hours of video. Secondly, you change the microphone gain on the 10C Pro through the Camera Configuration Menu on the headset or through the Sena Camera App for iPhone or Android phones to Low, Medium or High for the best audio recording experience.

  • Csulyma

    Spoken clearly by someone who has not used the original 10C, are you new around here? Video Tagging  ONLY saves what I tell it to save, not a continuous loop as long as the camera has memory and power. All the loop does now is break the video into 3min sections, it still is a useless loop where I have to search thru hours of video.


    Oh, and mic gain on low I can get 40 km/hr instead of 30 before the wind noise takes over. Make the external mic ability to be turned off and you might have a product worthy of keeping.


    I'm not new to the sena world, have been using and selling since about 2010 and have seen may products both good and bad make their way to the side of my helmet. Products should not be moving backwards with the newest entry. 

  • simon marshall
    simon marshall

    In normal recording mode my 10c pro seems to work just fine. However when i set it to loop mode it wont start tag recording  and just takes a snapshot. I also get a lot of interuptions with a voice saying intercom fail and i have not activated anything?I do not want that feature but the settings on my phone app does not give me the option to switch off? WTF is going on with the tagging.I am running the latest firmware etc

  • CL

    I just found this thread.  I upgraded from the 10C to the 10C Evo and discovered how they have changed video tagging.  It's completely different now.  I extensively use video tagging on the 10C for years and the current implementation is a travesty!  Why would Sena change how tagging worked?  It was perfect in the original 10C!  And why would they take away the option to tag at 1, 2, or 3 mins?  I only just 1 min since the important portion is usually just seconds long.  I don't need 3 minutes per tag.  Instead of three 1 min tag files, now I have to sift thru three 3 min tag files?  

  • Sebastián Devis
    Sebastián Devis

    I agree with most of you. Senda does something good and then messes it up. Video tagging was useful and good, now is complicated. And for some reason the video app doesn’t work either. I might be switching brand after this


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