Momentum INC Pro Camera Prompt Volume
I'd like to request the addition of a firmware menu setting to allow adjustment of the camera prompt volume for the Momentum INC pro helmet.
I have a Momentum INC Pro, overall I'm very pleased with the helmet, intercom and camera. I have noticed the prompts from the camera come through at a much lower volume than those from the intercom, making them difficult to hear while riding.
There doesn't seem to be a setting or other method for the end user to adjust the volume. I have tried performing both factory and fault resets without success, as well as attempting to increase the volume during camera prompts by pressing the + button without success. My Momentum INC Pro currently has intercom firmware 1.0, and camera firmware 1.3.
Thank you!
Hi, how did you solve this issue? I opened a ticket, Sena sent me a new helmet but the volume is even worse. Any input?
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