50S problems
Hi there,
I just purchased a 50S and have some gripes. I am running firmware version 1.0 which I am told is the latest version.
1. When I am listening to music the 50S is CONSTANTLY pausing the music, and saying "Intercom failed, try again later" even with the Mesh intercom (I'm assuming its the Mesh trying to connect) turned OFF. This is super annoying and there needs to be a way to turn off both the mesh and the legacy bluetooth intercom off in the app. I know there is a button to turn off the mesh, but clearly it is not working correctly with firmware 1.0.
2. There is no "boost audio" option like there was on the 20S I had before. Whenever I go into Mesh mode the music playing in the background goes to a level I can't really hear it, even if no one is speaking via Mesh. I have to disable Mesh in order to increase the ceiling of the music volume.
3. When I set one of the "speed dial" contacts in the Sena 50 Utility for iPhone, it relabeled my contact as "Sena Speed Dial #1" or something like that. That should NEVER happen, changing the name of a contact in my phone. Def something awry with the app there. Also a bunch of other brand new contacts were created with names like "Sena Speed Dial #2, #3, etc" but without complete phone numbers. Some had "217" as a number but it seemed random. That def needs fixed.
If someone can respond on each of the three points I mentioned that would be great. Thanks!
I'm having a similar issue with my 50S regarding the music. It cuts out then back in as if my connected GPS was sending a message. I've checked the GPS when stopped and in the house with no route, started my music and can verify something weird is happening. For context, my 50S is paired with an iPHone 11.
Since I also have a 20S, i removed the 50S and inserted the 20S and no issues with the music. As for the music volume, its definitely lower with the 50S compared to the 20S. I've checked the default settings for both and can audibly tell the difference.
As for the speed dial contacts, I don't have that issue. I've checked the Sena Bluetooth Device Manager on my PC/Windows 10 and in the iPhone app.
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Since today there's a firmwareupdate v1.0.1 available.
Another issue: When I activate Blutetooth Intecom Audio Multitasking and restart the device, the music sounds scratchy in higher frequences.
After disable the function the music sounds clear an brilliant again.
Can you confirm that?0 -
Hmm, was expecting to try v1.0.1, but they've already pushed v1.0.2!! Expecting long ride tomorrow so will check long operation and various usage scenarios.
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I leave bluetooth intercom off for most of the time. I only turn it on when I want to talk privately to my wife/passenger. With bluetooth intercom on, there is no music or mesh intercom.
With only mesh on, the music acts as I expect. When I speak or anyone else speaks, the music volume goes down until the speaker stops. Wind noise and other loud noises can also cause music to go down. But if the wind noise continues, eventually the headset seems to squelch it out.
I tried pairing my Zumo 550 to the 50S, in the GPS position. As someone else said it seems, to take over and block out the music.
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50s v1.0.2, iPhone 11: Scratchy Sound only when Blutetooth Intecom Audio Multitasking is active.
Same issue with my wife's Samsung s100 -
Did you restore it to factory-settings?
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I was having the same issue, but now, I am getting two short tones every few seconds. Same tones that I used to get before the Intercom Failed message. It is really annoying.
This issue seemed to appear right after I had connected to another 50S rider in Open Mesh. After our mesh was disconnected, and Mesh turned off, I get the tones.
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What's annoying to me is the "intercom failed" message when I am riding alone.
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I just got my 50S, rode for the first time and have the same issue Sean, Robert, Cruiseman, and Karen posted. This is truly annoying. My previous 20S worked fine right out of the box. This is a huge disappointment. I hope this issue gets fixed soon in a firmware update.
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Can't speak for the others but I did turn off Vox thinking it might be that after adjusting sensitivity level. Still had the issue. Should not have to turn it off though.
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I have a laundry list of complaints about the 50S, the "intercom failed" message is only one of them. I agree that VOX intercom should not have to be turned off to eliminate the message.
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If there are other issues with the unit, this is not good. Today was my first use and music was the only thing I tried. I submitted a ticket for the issue we are experiencing, doesn't hurt even if previously reported.
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The "intercom failed, please try again later" message is GONE. I am also now consistently connected to my bike for audio and nav instructions.
I did both a factory and a fault reset.
- Hold phone button for 10 seconds
- You will hear "factory reset" and the LED will be solid red
- Press the jog dial once within 5 seconds of hearing the "factory reset" message
- You will hear "Headset reset, good bye"
Then do a FAULT RESET:
- On the flat backside of the unit, there is a small pinhole reset button. Gently insert a paperclip or a pin in the hole and tap with light pressure.
Both FACTORY and FAULT needed to be done.
Give it a whirl.
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Thank you, Karen. It worked like a charm!! And, about 15 minutes after your update, I heard back from Sena Tech Support with the same suggestion.
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So I did that and then it came right back about 5 minutes later. What in settings is causing this because I have to now turn everything off?
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Ross, I don't recall doing anything with my settings. Try reinstalling the latest firmware and see if that helps any. If it happens again, try the reported steps.
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I am reading more and more that 1.0.8 is the culprit as others are having to down-grade back to 1.0.6. But for some it still isn't taking care of the issue. It's just a pain that I am not able to use this. The other thing that I don't like is the fact that with upgrading to this unit (50S) I no longer can use the HD speech (I don't know it's specific title at this exact moment) for the GoPro Hero 4 back-pac that I loved using when out tooling around. I have a GoPro Max that I use for video and used the Hero 4 with the back-pac always powered up for the recordings. Now it sounds like bad AM radio!
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This is good to know. So far I have not had this issue. I hear you about it being a PIA. Hope the downgrade helps.
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@basket random If the boost audio feature is not available on the Sena 50S, it might be a design change compared to the previous Sena 20S model.
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You have to just turn off the smart volume control from the app!
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