Sena 50 S
Hallo, ich kann die Schwierigkeiten mit der Srachsteuerung bei Sena Befehlen nur bestätigen. Die Befehlsauslösung per Hey Siri ist reine Glückssache. Bei mir erkennt das Mikrofon in über der Hälfte der Fälle nicht das Kommando Hey Siri, während die Aktivierung des Gegensprechens immer klappt. Die Musikwiedergabe ist bei mir mit einem Jethelm nicht laut genug, während Telefon Gegensprechen etc. ok sind. Hat noch jemand diese Erfahrung gemacht ?
Hello, I can only confirm the difficulties with the voice control for Sena commands. The command triggering by Hey Siri is pure luck. In more than half of my cases the microphone does not recognize the command Hey Siri, while the activation of the intercom always works. The music playback is not loud enough for me with a jet helmet, while telephone intercom etc. are ok. Has anyone else had this experience
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I have not tried the voice control commands yet, but can confirm the music playback is low compared to the 20S. I have tried some of the app settings and no improvement on sound. I hope Sena resolves the low audio sound. As comparison, I have enabled/turned on the radio and it sounds much louder/normal compared to the music/playlists I'm listening.
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Hi Robert, after turning off the equalizer the volume is encreased a little bit.
Good luck Jacques
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I use an android phone. The only time that "Hey Google" has missed was when my mic wasn't properly positioned in front of my mouth. When positioned right, it has always worked for me.
If the volume is low, remember that you have 2, 3, or even 4 places where the volume can be adjusted. Sorry if you know this, but I might as well mention it.
1. Volume on the headset (big round dial)
2. Volume on the phone. With bluetooth the source and headset have seperate volumes
3. Volume on the bike (If you are using bike audio between phone and headset)
4. Volume in the app (if you are using a 3rd party app it sometimes has volume boost)The one I always forget is my phone's volume. I pair to bike, headset at work, car, headset at home, jogging headset, wife's car. I'll be connected to my bose noise reduction headphones and I have to turn the volume down. Then I get on the bike and wonder for 20 minutes why I can't hardly hear, even though I turned up the headset and bike volumes, until I remember to turn the phone's volume up.
The other thing you should check is the positioning of the speakers in your helmet. You want the speakers as close to your ears as you can without applying any pressure. I've had to make velcro spacers in the past to bring my speakers out closer to my ears. Just a few milimeters can sometimes make a big difference.
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Forgot to mention, if I turn phone, bike, and headset all the way up it is uncomfortably loud. Then if I turn on audio boost in my music app, it's painful.
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Der Sena-Support empfiehlt direkt nach "Hey Sena" den Sprachbefehl zu sprechen, also ohne Pause am Komma: "Hey Sena Akku prüfen!"
Hatte leider noch keine Gelgenheit das zu testen.0 -
Keinerlei Reaktionen bei Sena-Sprachbefehlen! Funktioniert bei meinem 50R definitv NICHT
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