First Ride with the 50s


3 commenti

  • James Winston
    James Winston

    If you are only getting 6hrs of intercom, something is wrong with the battery, I would do a warranty replacement.  You should be getting 10+ hrs, I honestly think Sena uses cheap Chinese batteries which are not tested by anyone, there seems to be a group of people with 50s battery problems and I RMA's a 20s 5yrs ago for not battery being defective.

  • Chris

    I wonder if the battery life can be tweaked by firmware update? The quick charge is a great feature. I think the voice command feature eats battery life as its always listening for a command. Somehow cardo pulled this off with a little more battery life. Hope sena can address this. For me , 6hour intercom is very rare. 

  • Chris

    I did a rma with sena on my unit and now the new units battery is just like my 20s, pretty much endless. I think early 50s batteries were a bad batch. 


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