Sena 50R Mesh Not Working


12 commenti

  • Sylvain Brodeur
    Sylvain Brodeur

    I have the same issue with a 50S


    it just has the 2 beeps but does not activate Mesh.


    I haven't found any explication online


  • Sylvain Brodeur
    Sylvain Brodeur

    There is no issue with Volume Dominique, Mesh will simply not turn on

  • Martin Wright
    Martin Wright

    I’ve just updated my 50R to f/w 1.2.2 and same happened for me - mesh no longer works just beeps twice & the button on the app is there but won’t work 😡
    I updated via the wi-if adapter so can’t restore the earlier version so I’m stuck with nowhere to go 🤦‍♂️

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    Martin Wright Look here for older FW versions


  • Martin Wright
    Martin Wright

    Cheers Tom I’ll take a look 🤞🏼🤞🏼👍🏼

  • Martin Wright
    Martin Wright

    I've tried to "update firmware" to a older version from your file Tom but it doesn't work, the restore option only offer 1 version & doesn't give any other options that way - anymore ideas please folks as its useless at the moment??
    oh also when switch off discharges the battery overnight anyway so i think there's a fundamental problem with V1.2.2


  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    martin, i linked a download location for the older versions. You should be able to get the required versions from there and then choose those at teh update page of the device manager

  • Martin Wright
    Martin Wright

    HI Tom, you did - i downloaded the lot & tried to "update" to a few lower versions but the Sena just wouldn't take it staying @ 1.2.2
    thanks for your  help but unless i'm doing something wrong it seems its locked in to the last update !!!
    I can't see how the files you have linked to can be used to restore just update??

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    is it progressing to the end or failing before? can't test around myself, no access to a 50R myself.

  • Martin Wright
    Martin Wright

    yes it seems to complete but when reconnecting it comes back as 1.2.2 - I've done it a few times but will give it another go ....

  • Martin Wright
    Martin Wright

    Hi Tom, yes it completes & does show as v1.1.1 but the mesh still doesn’t work & the battery drains quickly when switched off!!
    Sena tech think it’s the mesh ship that’s failed but if it failed on the update to v1.2.2 they really need to pull that update & get it sorted. Mine was 16months old when I did the update but “it’s out of warranty” so I’m stuffed :(

  • manolo

    Hello! For me it was that I didn't have a phone paired. I was using the second paired phone and it showed mesh grayed out on the app interface. Once I paired this phone as primary phone (hold center button 10 sec and then volume up once, finally center to confirm phone pairing), it showed up and allowed me to use the mesh intercom button again.

    Weird that it did not let me use it at some point, but it is now fixed.


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