Update the Windows 64bit link to the Config Software!


14 commenti

  • Mike W
    Mike W

    Did you get the software to actually work? Mine won't recognize my devices, tried several of the suggestions elsewhere but still haven't gotten it to work.


  • Mark V.
    Mark V.

    Does SENA ever react to these posts?  I just checked their website, and they still link to the outdated Win64 bit Device Manager software...   :(

    After uninstalling the old version, then installing the new version, I was able to connect to my 20S EVO via the USB cable.  I was then able to configure the device.

  • Ham Ackland
    Ham Ackland

     exact same problem with my   new Impulse.    Also having difficulty  with  accessing Siri

  • John Newbold
    John Newbold

    Just purchased an outrush R helmet and I'm not hitting on anything. The device manager will not load and the apps won't recognize my device. 

  • Ham Ackland
    Ham Ackland

    I  managed to update my Impulse  firmware via wifi eventually, after significant grief  trying...and suddenly it happened...     But my problems with Siri, and voice commands in general continues to be  anything but good....and this is sitting at my desk...not out on the bike.   But the  helmet seems  to be  fairly comfortable to  wear...it's just that the tech  is letting me down.

  • Michel Sykes
    Michel Sykes

    How on earth were you able to upgrade the Impulse firmware via wifi ??? I think I tried everything possible, but after entering my wifi settings and password, I can never see my device connected... and the support never replied, it is disappointing... Shame because the helmet is very comfy...

  • Michel Sykes
    Michel Sykes

    As the technical support don't even reply to emails, I have a doubt about it... 

    Anyway, no solution to upgrade my brand new Impulse helmet, I canceled my order for my wife.... wait and see, maybe one day..

  • Sena Support
    Sena Support

    Hi. We'll let our website team know about the link for the Windows 64-bit of the Sena Device Manager.

    Michel Sykes The firmware update process for the Impulse is done through the Sena Motorcycles App. Please check the Firmware Upgrades chapter in the User's Guide for the Impulse which can be downloaded here: https://www.sena.com/product/impulse/documents. 

  • Phil Draper
    Phil Draper

    Hi All - I have a new Impulse helmet. but the firmware upgrade wont work.  I can connect the helmet wifi to  my phone but the phone app cant find my home wifi.  every other device can see the home wifi just not the Sena app.  Have tried disabling all security in my router - no joy.  Cant think of anything else to try.  Very pissed off as am completely unable to achieve a firmware update.  Any ideas on how to get the Sena Motorcycles app to see/recognize a wifi net?

  • Sena Support
    Sena Support

    Hi Phil Draper. Please submit a ticket to our Customer Service department for assistance with updating the firmware on your Impulse. Thanks.

  • Phil Draper
    Phil Draper

    Ticket submitted and response received from Sena but it still does not work.  I have confirmed my router is operating on 2.4 GHz and I have done a factory reset on the helmet. I still have the same issue - I have the helmet wifi connected to the app on my iphone but the app cannot see ANY wifi networks to subsequently connect to. Very disappointing that it seems impossible to conduct a firmware update on these helmets.

  • Shayne vdh
    Shayne vdh

    this is what i get trying to upgrade the firmware, impulse on a galaxy note phone 

    $1100 au dollars for fuck sake!

    how can you fix this to upgrade the firmware

  • Chris

    If your trying to update via a pc you will need to disable the windows driver signature requirement. Just google the steps, it’s easy. Also try using usb ports that are on the back if it’s a desktop, the ones that are built into the motherboard.

  • Chris

    On the iPhone try a hard reset, hit volume up, then volume down, then hold the power button through the slide to turn off screen, keep holding until you see the apple symbol.If that doesn’t work try rebooting your router.


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