Intercom Pairing Three Sena 20Ss
This is a copy of an email to Sena Support, but I thought I'd ask here as well:
I’m having a problem with pair three Sena 20S devices together. One pair of Senas were a set, already paired, the other was purchased subsequently and paired to one of the first set using the shake and pair method. Senas A and B were a set, with C paired to A shortly thereafter.
During a ride, the three of us have conference call communication as we would expect. At the end of a ride, one of us will split off heading in a different direction. It’s not always the same rider, depending on where our ride ends.
When either B or C split off from our little group, A and the remaining rider have communication. However, if A leaves first, B and C have no communication. Is there a pairing methodology where no matter which rider leaves the group, the remaining two will have comms until they separate?
I realize riders B and C could re-pair to get communication, but this is not practical for the short remainder of the ride. And I imagine we'd have to re-pair again at the beginning of the next ride.
So is it possible for all three riders to achieve pairing parity, or will we always have the situation where sometimes two of the three will not be able to communicate without the third, without further reconfiguration?
Only two of the three of us have smartphones (iPhones). As I understand it, we could both create our fire team group on each phone and either of us could initiate a Group Intercom. That still leaves us with the situation of the creator of that instances group leaving and the other two not having comms.
I'm unclear on the whole Group aspect. Would the creator of that rides Group end the Group and the other then initiate the Group for the remaining two?
I hope I'm overlooking a simple solution— mainly a mesh pairing situation where any of the three could come or go as we please and have no hoops to jump through, similar to proper 2-way radio use (which we're already very familiar with).
This is a very long post, and I thank any- and everyone who waded through it all, and especially those who can offer any insight.
If you're looking for a product that does what the Sena 20Scam says it does in the marketing materials, then don't purchase the 20Scam.
The 20Scam clearly fails in pretty much every aspect of what it's supposed to do. It's a scam. We fell for it.
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R A sorry but I can't offer any suggestions. Did you ever get a response from SENA Customer Service?
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