New 20S Will Not Connect



  • Peter Coleman
    Peter Coleman

    Hi Jerry, I just purchased the same unit today. There are a few things to watch for when setting up. Took me a few hours to get my head around it all but works fine so far. Done the Firmware update and Factory Reset after thats recommend. Where do you live. Peter

  • Jerry McCart
    Jerry McCart

    New Mexico


  • Peter Coleman
    Peter Coleman

    Did you manage to print the manual?  Its over 70 pages of info. Do you have the S02 off when updating as it needs to be off. If it isnt working you can try factory reset but shouldn't need too! My pc makes a sound when I plug in the usb, but you don't turn the unit on, I did 1 at a time. Is your pc telling you its not recognized or the top of the app?

  • Jerry McCart
    Jerry McCart

    Yes I followed the manual instructions and also spoke with what Sena calls tech support 4 times.  All they kept saying was no need to update firmware.  However, when I connected with each one individually via my iPhone there app prompted me to first update the firmware.  Units are all boxed up and heading back.  Neither my PC or my MAC were able to connect to either unit.


  • Peter Coleman
    Peter Coleman

    Maybe try a friends pc first ok.

  • Jerry McCart
    Jerry McCart

    Peter, I am a systems automation engineer.  Bottom line is the units will not communicate with either a Windows or MAC operating system. At this point I have invested far more time than the Sena product is worth.  My opinion remains unchanged -  Sena offshore tech support is a joke and the product is junk.

  • Jerry McCart
    Jerry McCart

    Just received my second dual set of the Sena 20S units.  Same problem.  Neither can be recognized by the Sena Windows or MAC device manager software.  I am done with Sena products.  When I called tech support they just told me once again to not try updating the firmware.  How on earth does a company gain such a large share of a market with products that don't work and offshore technical support that is terrible?

  • Peter Coleman
    Peter Coleman

    Hey Jerry, I just had my pc upgraded with windows 10 when I messaged you last and it conected fine. But on the top right of the sena menue it has a box saying it was not recognized but it did the upgrade. Maybe take it to where you purchased it and ask them to conect it for you so you can see. Mine works great. Peter

  • NFC

    I agree, the Sena 20Scam is nothing but a scam.  Sena scammed us with a product that doesn't even come close to doing what Sena says it does.  

    I've had 4 units so far, each one is a total failure.  Tech support is a joke and completely useless.  Although, it doesn't surprise me that the company that has a completely useless product also has completely useless tech support. 

  • Jerry McCart
    Jerry McCart

    Second Sena 20S returned and UClear HBC200HD ordred.

  • Jerry McCart
    Jerry McCart

    Just received my UClear HBC200HD intercom system.  Works fantastic with small mics in the brim of the helmet (No boom).  Communication is clear and clean.  Connects with my iPhone, GPS, and music.  Very nice change from the Sena 20S.


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