50R Volume Control when paired to a BMW TFT



  • Andres MK
    Andres MK

    Don't connect the Sena to the bike. The 50R and the bike should be connected to your phone. Then both can control the volume.

    For the audio routing to work correctly, always let the bike connect first to your phone and after that turn the 50R on.

  • Rob Kelley
    Rob Kelley

    The 50R has to be connected to the bike otherwise I cannot use the bike to control media, hear satnav prompts and receive phone calls, also if the 50R isn't connected to the bike then I definitely won't be able to control the volume.

  • Andres MK
    Andres MK

    No it really doesn't has to be. I have my KTM connected like I explained, and is (afaik) the only way you can get everything working.

    The music volume is determined by your phone, if the 50R is connected to the bike, the bike can't relay the commands to the phone to change the volume. Connecting the bike to the phone will control the media (Volume and playback). 

    The only thing that wont really work is if you use the Nav system on your bike, since I'm pretty sure you wont be able to route the audio from the bike to the phone and then to the 50R.

  • Rob Kelley
    Rob Kelley

    With the BMW, if the helmet (Sena/Cardo), isn't connected to the TFT then Media, Navigation and Phone are all greyed out as the bike assumes there's no audio in/outpit connected.

  • Andres MK
    Andres MK

    Im not sure how it is with iPhones, but on Android you can select which services to connect to your Bluetooth device. Maybe you have to select somewhere that you want to route audio to the bike? or maybe you have to do the initial connection to the bike using the BMW App?

    From what I read the Music, Navigation and Phone menus should be visible as soon as there is a phone connected thru the BMW App.

  • Rob Kelley
    Rob Kelley

    I've just moved to the Sena from a Cardo Freecom, with the Cardo changing the volume from the bike didn't ever work, the Sena adds this feature so there is something about the Sena that the TFT reconises al enables the voulme adjust - as long as the Sena and phone isn't connected.

  • Andres MK
    Andres MK

    The Sena registers itself as a full media device. Thats why it enables the Volume on the TFT.
    The problem is that the Volume is not regulated by the TFT, but by the Phone, when changing the volume using the Sena, it will change the volume on the TFT but doesnt relay commands to the phone.

    I'd try to get the Music and Navigation working on the bike without the sena connected (it should work using the app from what I see on the BMW docs). Then connect the sena to the bike using the Navigation connection mode (is a different pair mode on the 50R) to get Navigation prompts from the bike. And connect the 50R using the normal BT connection only to the Phone.

    Sadly cant help more than that, I got the setup exactly like what you want after hours of messing with settings and configurations and at the end the steps described above is what worked.

  • Rob Kelley
    Rob Kelley

    I just tried your suggestion, I deleted the BT pairing between the Sena and the bike TFT, the Phone is still connected, as I thought - media etc is disabled:

  • Andres MK
    Andres MK

    Can you share what Bike/Year you are using? Maybe I can find some info on how to get the bike to recognise the phone correctly. According to what I found yesterday the items should be enabled once the bike is connected to the phone using the BMW Motorrad Connected

  • Rob Kelley
    Rob Kelley

    What I also noticed is the following:

    1: When the phone is connected to the Sena and the TFT, the BMW Wunder Wheel changes the volume directly on the phone, I can see the volume control going up and down on the phone as I spin the wheel.

    2: When the phone is not connected to the Sena but still connected to the TFT, the phone volume level is at 100% (that's fine), but when I spin the wheel the volume on the phone remains at 100% and it's the TFT that changes the volume.

    3: I also noticed that when I first power everything on, the phone is connected to the Sena and I cannot control the volume via the bike, I disconnect the phone from the Sena and then I can control the volume via the bike... but.. if I then reconnect the phone to the Sena - I can still control the volume via the bike... arghhhh :-)
    It's like the phone gets priority on the volume control at the start, then when I disconnect it - the bike gets priority, then when I reconnect the phone the bike remains the priority for the volume control.


  • Rob Kelley
    Rob Kelley

    The bike is a 2021 BMW R1250GSA

  • Rob Kelley
    Rob Kelley

    I also tried powering on things in a different order - didn't make any difference.

  • Andres MK
    Andres MK

    So, there's someone on Youtube with a few videos explaining how to connect the devices and I believe he is using the same setup you want to achieve. He also uses a Sena as his device.

    Vid 1: youtu.be/OqrdK1OTnM4

    Vid 2: youtu.be/syC8VV6He0Q

    Hope that helps :)

  • Amier

    This works for me flawlessly on a BMW R 1250 GS:

    1. Connect the iPhone to the TFT, this will also enable the BMW Connect app to deliver speed information and TFT navigation
    2. Connect the Sena with media profile as helmet to the TFT
    3. Connect BMW Navigator VI to Sena with GPS profile, so you hear the nav audio
    4. Connect iPhone to BMW Navigator VI as link only (for the Smart Link app on the iPhone), to receive the traffic updates and radar warnings

    Don't connect the iPhone to the Sena!


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