Sena 10s, Sprache Navigation zu leise/ Sena 10s, language navigation too quiet



  • Official comment
    Alex - Sena Support
    Alex - Sena Support

    Hi Sandra Schenk

    This situation might necessitate further information. I've gone ahead and generated a ticket for you, and one of our tech support representatives will get in touch to provide assistance. If the recent firmware update has resulted in decreased volume compared to before, we can explore options such as a firmware restore, and our team will guide you through the process.

    Feel free to reach out if you have additional questions or concerns!

  • Sandra Schenk
    Sandra Schenk

    Vielen Dank.
    Ich hoffe nur das der Support deutsch spricht.
    Den englischen Text habe ich übersetzen lassen.

  • Sandra Schenk
    Sandra Schenk

    Vielen Dank für den Support.
    Der Lösungsweg hat funktioniert.


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