To have caller ID or In-band ring tone.
I work for a bluetooth testing facility and I am very satisfied with the features and how the Bluetooth profiles are set up. One thing that I am dispointed in is the ability to know who is calling. Caller ID just to say the number at the lest would be helpful as when I am riding and not able to look at my phone. Saying the same would be great for your contract list and unknown for those that are not listed. Sometimes I may want to answer and sometimes not. The simple task of cancelling a call is good. But to know who is calling would make this the best product on the market. I have ring tones set up for all of my contact. Hope to see this in an upcoming upgrade.
PS if you every need for any of your Bluetooth products tested with different phone and carriers, please send me and email and I will have someone call you and give your company a presentation on what we can do for you.
Thanks again for a great product.
Thank you for your suggestion. We will do the feasibility of applying the Phone book profile to the next version of our firmware. It will make you know who calls when you get a call. We will keep you informed later.
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SENA R&D team, devs, directors, and CTO,
Why are you ignoring this request from multiple users over the last 8-10 years, this is as described a basic function of many 10+ year older bluetooth units. Accidents have been caused due to this feature not being included in your products offerings.
Please respond to this in a timely manner,
We will be monitoring this community page
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