Audio mixing



  • M. Davis
    M. Davis

    Same problem if you want to listen to music from a connected phone via Bluetooth while also in an intercom conversation.  I don't want to "share" my music, but I would like the option to listen to it myself.


    It is crazy that right now to do this, I actually have to wear WIRED EARPHONES connected to an MP3 player at the same time as using the Sena SMH10

  • Sena

    With the 20S and the Audio Multitasking feature you can listen to music or hear GPS directions from a Smartphone App and communicate over the intercom at the same time. Using the Music Sharing feature can be activated and deactivated when you like so you don't have to share music when communicating over the intercom simultaneously.

  • M. Davis
    M. Davis

    Thanks for the information.  I believe what you are saying is confirmation that the SMH10 will NOT allow listening to uninterrupted music AND using the full-time intercom at the same time.

  • RBEmerson

    Yep. Kinda makes you think the SMH-10 is heading to EOL. Which means I'm looking at the cost of the 20S and two additional base plates. Drat. Time to think about running another eBay auction to dispose of my SMH-10 and spares inventory... :-(


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