Group Intercoms Does not Work Well



  • Mathew, Bruce
    Mathew, Bruce

    If you haven't resolved this, make sure you get the latest firmware update.  We had 5-20S and one 10 riding together.  The 20S units would all connect via group accept the one person who hadn't updated his firmware, we always seem to have to fight with connecting with his unit and the Sena 10.

    We haven't tried it again after the trip.  Maybe next time.

  • Ken

    This is pretty encouraging.  We never got group intercom to work between the four of us on a 10-day trip.  One or more users was always left out.  Powering down didn't help. 


  • Mathew, Bruce
    Mathew, Bruce

    The other trick was to go into the setup with my phone and set up the group order in the opposite order that I paired with everyone.  The order that the systems connect is very important with what I keep finding.  If you get out of order, they won't connect in.  When the book says to do it in that order, they really mean "in that order".... :)


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