Sena 50C Battery Life
Hi All Long time Sena user from the Sena 10 to the 20 to the 30 and now the 50C.The reason for the 50C was to enjoy the video aspect of the unit.Well after a few tries im getting under 5 minutes of use and the battery is dead surely this can be expected anyone else having this LOW battery consumption? Sena What are my options ? I dont want to ride with a Go Pro and love the voice command and its convience. HELP SENA !!!!!!!!! Thanks in advance
GoPromotional The reason for the 50C was to enjoy the video aspect of the unit.Well after a few tries im getting under 5 minutes of use and the battery is dead surely this can be expected anyone else having this LOW battery consumption? Sena What are my options ? I dont want to ride with a Go Pro and love the voice command and its convience.
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