Double Beep, and constant hiccups when riding in a group of 6+



  • Official comment
    Alex - Sena Support
    Alex - Sena Support

    is the beeping the same similar beep to when your volume is at max level? are you riding with gear with thick shoulder pads? I personally a few riders in our department sometimes run gear that rub again the jog dial which causes the beeping to happen.

  • Russ Sherman
    Russ Sherman

    Mine was doing a double beep as well. It wasn't doing it last year, so it was something new
    A full factory reset seems to have sorted it out.

  • Joe

    I'll give that a try, but some of the intercoms are like.. brand new out of box, and EVERYONE heard the double beep, plus some people got muted.

    I'll try it anyway tho, just see how it goes.

    Is the 6 person limit lifted in private mesh groups do u know?

  • Joe

    Uh, Alex - Sena Support no its not that beep.. I specifically said its the max people transmitting.


    I dont mind it being limited to 6 ppl but, it gets really annoying cuz everyone's mic transmits just a tiny bit even if we cant hear it, like if you listen close, you can hear my friend's gearbox whine in the background of his audio. It keeps his mic pinned, and then when I or somebody else whos not already keyed up, you get the "beep beep" and nobody hears you.

    Plus.. 3/4 of us have the RT/50r version so.. theres no wheel to bump


    We could either make the number of ppl talking bigger or we could decrease the vox sensitivy but we're already all the way down and stuff like turn signal blinkers clicking and gearbox whine still get thru the mic. Thanks, just, trying to explain


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