Sena Util App not recognising SF4/Phone pairing.
My phone is an older Blackview BV9500, Android 8.1. Bluetooth 4.1.
Its possible BT 4.1 hardware is too old for use with SF4?
Can Sena confirm?
The SF4 audio confirms phone connected, pairing shows on the phone (as in screenshot here). However Sena Util app fails to recognise the connection.
An update to close this thread.
I also opened a support ticket w Sena, who responded multiple times to help me solve my misunderstanding.
I issue was my SF4 was connecting to my phone but not to the Sena Utility app.
My problem was that I was using the wrong app.
With the SF4, should be using either SF Utility, or the Sena Motorcycle app. Either will recognise the SF4.
Problem solved, Sena Utility uninstalled.
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