Harley-Davidson 50S-01-HD
I recently purchased a Harley-Davidson 50S headset. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but I recently learned, by talking to Sena Tech Support that:
1. Unfortunately, the updated firmware versions available for the Sena units are not compatible with any OEM brands like Harley. They have their own firmware versions. The releasing of the firmware for OEM devices depends on the OEM Company itself since they are going to request it from Sena. So my question is, who do I talk to at Harley-Davidson to get them to request Sena provide an updated version of their firmware?
2. To get the firmware on my headset that fixes all the problems that have been identified since May 15th, 2020, I must coordinate with my Harley dealer so that they can request a firmware release to fix these issues. In talking with my H-D dealer, they have no idea who to talk to at Harley, to make the request. As I look at the Sena 50S Revision History, it seems there have been 16 firmware updated between May 15th 2020 and June 19th, 2023. As I read through the comments for each revision, it appears many of these revisions have fixed some serious problems. Again, who do I or my H-D Dealer talk to at Harley-Davidson to make the request for a Firmware update to fix these issues?
*3. In order for the firmware files to be downloaded into the H-D OEM devices, H-D must request it first from the Sena developers. Then the Sena developers would make a H-D firmware file so they can post it to the H-D website, where I can then download it onto my unit. The update must be done via the Harley version of the device manager from their website. Again, who do I or my H-D Dealer talk to at Harley-Davidson so they can request Sena developers to make the updates to the firmware that fixes these issues?
4. So in summary, what I've been told by Sena Tech Support is, I can only use the Wi-Fi adapter that came with the headset to charge my headset, I can only use the Sena Motorcycle App on my phone to modify the headset settings, NOT to update the firmware. Next, the current OEM version of the firmware (v1.0.1) for the SP75, Model 50S-01-HD, that's on the Harley-Davidson website, is the original version of firmware from the Sena Developers from May 15th, 2020 and does not include the 16+ updates that Sena has made to their non Sena OEM 50S headsets. So again, who do I or my H-D Dealer talk to at Harley-Davidson so they can make the request for a firmware update to fix these issues?
I have a suggestion. If you can't tell me who I or my H-D Dealer can talk to at Harley-Davidson to make the request, maybe Sena should do their H-D headset consumers a favor and offer the updated firmware on their website and make it available to the H-D 50S headset users so our Wi-Fi adapter, that came with the headsets, can automatically download and install the latest firmware update, as intended.
Four days ago, the assistance desk asked me a question about this ticket, and I answered. Regarding my response, I have not received any feedback. Is it typical to go days without speaking with the help desk? geometry dash lite
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I am having the same problem. I even bought the speaker upgrade to harmon Cardon Sound. The box, Website, Everything I can find says it will work with my headset. It wont. It actually sounds lower in volume than the old rockfords. I assume it needs the update that the instructions say to install to work well. Anybody figure out how to upgrade these?
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