SC1 works very badly


57 commenti

  • Daniele Casprini
    Daniele Casprini

    Priblema reported to SENA

    I did the operations that SENA asked me about. 2 Schubert C4 helmets with mounted n. 2 Schubert SC1

    Then I did a test.

    The test was made by man A in motorcycle and man B on the ground. The test was carried out on a 6 km road section with excellent coverage of the telephone signal. Men A and Man B talked through a phone call

    Man A:
    Moto BMW R1200GS
    Schubert C4 Helmet with Schubert SC1
    Closed latch
    IPhone 7 updated to latest iOS version

    Man B
    On the ground, stand still
    IPhone 7 updated to latest iOS version

    Man A
    He feels the words of man B at any speed in the helmet

    Man B
    He can hear the words of man A in the phone, talking in the helmet, always away. At speeds <80Km / h are understandable, albeit distant. At speeds of> 80 km / h, the words are always far away and become less understandable at the speed of man's motion A. At 120km / h the words are far away and are not understandable.

    I did the same test with both Schubert C4 helmets on which the 2 Schubert SC1 mounted. The results were bad in both cases.
    The two helmets and the two Schubert SC1 were purchased with a 15-day interval of each other.

    Therefore, both Schubert SC1 can not be faulted. The problem is certainly in the firmware.

    I ask that this problem is resolved very soon because the two Schubert SC1 are not usable.

    I want to know what SCHUBERT and SENA think about doing to solve the problem.

  • Bart Vanderkelen
    Bart Vanderkelen

    I think the answer is "please install latest firmware"

  • Daniele Casprini
    Daniele Casprini

    Unfortunately, there is no updated firmware. The only firmware available is 1.0

  • WMR

    Just got the SC1 advanced a few days:


    - FM radio is a bit poor

    -RDS function radio is CRAP just like the 20s

    - Why is there no voice control like the 20s?

    - or automatic volume control is not very good.. or the FM reception is crap.

  • Dana Pickard
    Dana Pickard

    I also have a Schuberth C4 helmet with the SC1. The two people that I ride with cannot understand me but can understand each other. They both have Sena headsets. Does anyone know of a solution or update yet?

  • patrice.gervais

    I just purchased a C4 + SC1 advanced today and people are having a hard time hearing me while making a phone call, My previous 10C paired with Arai helmet worked really well in similar situations, 

    Please assist me in getting clear phone communications

    FYI, I have yet to try the intercom

  • WMR

    Well after some heavy use I have the following:

    FM radio is still crap, I now just listen to online streaming radio channels.. works good.

    Phone calls are also good, even @ high speeds so no comments about that

    Intercom works very good, just had summer holidays with kid on the back and wifey on other bike and it works very good (2x sena 20s and 1x SC1)

    the 20's remember each other.. but I always have to re-pair the damn SC-1 :X I still find the 20s superior to the SC1... having just 2 buttons makes finding the right setting a bit harder since you have to scroll through a complete menu :x

    firmware update with VOX controls would be highly appreciated... they have been out now for a couple of months.. its time for an update!


  • Roman Otsup
    Roman Otsup

    Is it an option to install Sena 20s or 30K outside on Schubert C4 and use integrated speakers, microphone and antenna ?

    Any plan to develop Sena 20 or 30 for Schubert C4?

    After so many bad reviews I stopped Schubert C4 purchase till solution will be found.

  • Al Hennigan
    Al Hennigan

    I just received my C4 Pulse and SC1 Advanced, and I concur with each and every complaint mentioned here. A firmware/software update to address these issues is desperately needed.  Come on Sena, I am one of the faithful.  Throw us a bone here.

  • J.Schäfer

    I'm a Schuberth customer for years, and I was quite excited at the announcement of both C4 and SC1 - what a user-friendly combination this could be...bought two sets (for my wife and me), and they were absolute crap from the beginning. The helmet is so-so, not the built quality we were used to. But thats another problem...
    The SC1 is almost unusable in real life, actually spoiled quite a lot of our holiday experiences.
    Loses connection, doesn't find the paired partner, breaks communication while talking, needs to be screemed at to even switch on (sometimes does turn on, sometimes "communication not possible..."), scratching sound, not nearly equally loud...and so on.
    Very disappointed, very expensive mistake...

  • Bart Vanderkelen
    Bart Vanderkelen

    Have the same experience with the 10U system. No feedback from Sena. battery last for max 4 Hours. Have to look for new system. But no Sena anymore. Poor afters sales here in Belgium.

  • Scott Patrick
    Scott Patrick

    When is the firmware update coming out?

    Sena, please provide an answer as I am ordering both a helmet and a comm system soon. With what your current users are saying neither the helmet nor the comm system seem worth it. A less expensive helmet with less expensive comm sytem seems better.

    When will firmware be updated?

  • Roman Otsup
    Roman Otsup

    From other sources I heard that all disconnection issues are related to bad antenna in helmet or bad connection SC1 to this antenna.
    If it is true, firmware upgrade will NOT help. I put on hold my purchase of C4 with SC1, Unfortunately not Shoei and not Arai don't produce helmets with sun visor for round head.
    Remark : Design 2017 helmet with old and limited communication system (Sena already released 20 and 30 versions with much more features), sounds not good marketing. I am not speaking about double price, which they ask for the same device in different cover, but without microphone, speakers and antenna.

  • Bart Vanderkelen
    Bart Vanderkelen

    what I don't understand is, why it is not possible that Sena can't work together with the two most important GPS navigation manufactures (garmin & Tomtom)

    A lot of problems with the connections with the latest versions of Garmin.

    GPSmap276Cx can't be connected to Sena devices. The answer I got from Sena is : this device is not in the list. Get me crazy


  • Al Hennigan
    Al Hennigan

    The most stunning thing to me, is how Sena has gone dark on us and is not addressing any of the issues much less offering any viable solutions other than the vanilla responses of "perform a factory reset" or "scream loudly to activate VOX".  Really?  So as a result, this support site has evolved into a forum among ourselves without any reassurances from the parent company. 

  • Brett Hawton
    Brett Hawton

    Firmware 1.1 added VOX sensitivity which I set on high. I'm hoping this will allow the mics to finally hear me without yelling as loud as possible once the weather warms up.



  • Michal

    when C4 + SC1 adv. paired to xDiavel S and iPhone 7 plus (latest os) its a mess, i can not use volume buttons on motorcycle at all, phone call are time to time received (paired) well when answered trough motorcycles button, but usually not. same with music, once it works fine, then suddenly not. When talking C4 -> C4 (both SC1 adv) we have to turn off and on helmet at least once or twice per day (app 7h riding)... please tune firmware asap, call Ducati (and other brands) R&D and make it compatible across all devices and combinations of possible synchronisation.


    ASAP plz


  • Zach Park
    Zach Park

    Has anything been done to address these issues? I'm looking at the C4's and want the integrated SC1 but I'm reading all these problems and don't want this type of aggravation. What is the latest firmware are these still current issues?  

  • Brett Hawton
    Brett Hawton

    See my post above. It's been working pretty well for me but I also made a wirelessly charging cradle to hold my phone on top of the triple clamp. I use the Android Auto app for a clean & simple interface while riding and all I have to do is touch the microphone icon (using touch screen compatible gloves) to activate my Google Assistant. I can say things like Call my wife, Navigate to the nearest gas station, Show restaurants near me, Play Pandora, etc... without really taking my eyes off the road.

  • Zach Park
    Zach Park

    Thanks Brett...Do others have a hard time understanding you at speed when talking on the phone. I travel for work and sometimes need to be on long conference calls or speak with a customer. I can't have spotty transmission, my S20 does a good job of it. 

  • Brett Hawton
    Brett Hawton

    My bike's not that loud but I would say business calls over 50mph would be tough to hear through the headphones at max volume. They could probably hear you but not the other way around at speed.

  • CJ

    I Have the same problem.. no one can hear me clear when i talk on the phone. even Siri can't understand me.. Even went to Apple for a brand new iphone X and the problem persisted!! Please come quickly with more firmware updates.. 

  • J.Schäfer

    i'm going to sell the whole crap, as neither Schuberth nor SENA anyhow seem to be interested in satisfied customers. very expensive mistake :((

  • Tim Michael
    Tim Michael

    My Setup ist in eBay now! Never again. Bought a Shark Helmet with there Bluetooth... Works gut with my Phone and Navi!
    Thanks for nothing Sena & Schuberth!

  • Hannu Lehtonen
    Hannu Lehtonen

    Looks that Sena (and Schuberth) doesn't care of their customers at all! I tried to tell them that microphones location is crab, but seller said there is something wrong in mic. Inporter replace a new mic (???...) but it's still crab -to talk / to Siri.

    Then I asked for intercom pairing to the other makers; no answer...

  • Brett Hawton
    Brett Hawton

    It does seem  like Sena & Schuberth just point a finger at each other (very slowly) and hope we go away. 

  • Dragos Paise
    Dragos Paise

    I have been using 10U for years with my Schubert or at one moment a Shoei. It just worked absolutely amazing. Once I setup the connections on 10U I didn't need to take care of anythings else when I started on the system next time.

    when Schubert came out with C4 with Sena included I thought that God heard my praying and sent me the product I was waiting for :) and accordingly, I bought not 1 but 2 helmets with sena system included :))

    I used Sena Freewire as well to connect with my audio system on my Ultra Glide but I have never been able to have a decent conversation on my mobile at any speed.

    Few months ago Harley came out with a system called WHIM which is seems to be manufactured by or in collaboration with Sena. bought it, installed it, nothing has improved.

    Forgetting the system that connects with the motorcycle (which however doesn't make any sense because this is one of the reasons we buy connectivity products), when I am trying to use the 2 systems SC1 paired to each other, the sound is very poor, connection gets lost and I have to do the process of connecting them again....and that's not the point.


    I am running the last firmware 1.1 on both systems.


    I am very, very disappointed that even though Sena and/or Schubert have a lot of feedback from users they don't seem to sit down, think about it and address these issues that we all complain about.


    We bought premium products to receive premium quality.


    SENA please help us! we are your customers!

  • Al Hennigan
    Al Hennigan

    Like most of you providing feedback in this thread, I too experienced similar issues with less than satisfactory performance from my C4/SC1 Advanced combination.  But in the interest of full disclosure, I need to provide an update:  With the latest firmware update, I am told the quality of my voice during a phone call is good, even to the point of "couldn't tell you were riding".  Music audio is good, or as good as I have had with other comm systems anyway.  So this is an improvement in my opinion.  Is the mic placement still a problem? I would say yes, and I can't imagine why they are placed where they are. But the bad news is there are still issues. Upon closing either the chin bar or even the face shield by itself, unless I do this very gently the system shuts down, no doubt due to a loosy-goosy connection with either the battery and/or the unit itself or even both. This is poor design, and getting it going again more often than not requires pulling over, stopping, removing the helmet and removing/reinstalling and restarting everything. I also noticed that when using the Sena SR10 radio adapter paired as a second mobile phone, that the connection was inconsistent and unreliable and only suitable for recreational use and not for serious work. USAC Motorefs out there know what I am talking about.     

  • Sonny Fjellström
    Sonny Fjellström

    The volume is to low. I here nothing when I am driving.

    How can I raise the volume?

  • Hannu Lehtonen
    Hannu Lehtonen

    Sonny Fjellström; have you noticed that you must set volume from your phone AND from your head set?


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