
57 commenti

  • David Marquez
    David Marquez

    Same issue, In the page appears the version 1.1 released at january 19th but whe I plug my device not show the new version and the file cant be download from anywhere in the paga

  • Ralf kirmeyer
    Ralf kirmeyer

    Hallo Ralf,
    vielen Dank für deine Nachricht.

    Es handelt sich bei dem Update der Version 1.1 um ein Firmware-Update für das 50R/50S Harman Kardon.

    Das Update kann nur auf Geräten mit Harman Kardon Chip installiert werden.
    Leider wurde auf unserer Webseite noch keine derartige Information eingepflegt, daher bitte ich vielmals um Entschuldigung für dieses Missverständnis.
    Sobald ein Update für dein 50S erscheint wirst du über die APP darüber benachrichtigt.

    Ich hoffe diese Antwort hilft dir weiter.

  • Ignacio Z
    Ignacio Z

    Hi Ralf,

    so you are saying there is a new version of Sena 50 r/s product with a new Harman Kardon that is not yet on sale, and there is a new firmware for that product but not for the current one? What a disappointment! In fact, V1.09 is not working properly and I was expecting a new one because I have had to downgrade to 1.07. 

    I hope a new 1.1 for all is available soon. It is a pity because when I saw that this one had integration with the BMW TFT I ran to make the upgrade.... 

  • Buddy Bear
    Buddy Bear

    I am guessing that the firmware addresses the Harmon kardon because that’s what the notes say about the firmware it makes no mention of anything else I am assuming that they need to put out the new device manager version in order for the firmware upgrade to work again I repeat I am assuming things I do not know for certain

  • David Marquez
    David Marquez

    Ralf, as Ignacio comments, the answer is absurd, how is it possible that you are releasing firmware for a product that is not even on the market? As I have many problems with the product and connectivity in calls through the BMW TFT. 

    I've been waiting for this bug fix update for months now. I hope that this version fixes all the problems that users reported and we did not receive a support or fix.


  • Ignacio Z
    Ignacio Z

    Totally absurd. More even bearing in mind that we are not talking about a cheap Chinese product... This is suppose to be a state of the art product, with a first class service. And it is not the case at this moment. Version 1.09 paired with a the BMW TFT and a GPS makes the phone calls not work. Months waiting for a new firmware version that solves all these problems and at the end, the new version only works for a product that I am not even able to purchase if that was the case. And my unit working with v1.07 that it seems to be the latest that works properly for my needs. Anyway, I hope Sena takes note of this and fix it as soon as possible. Cross my fingers.... I paid almost 300 euros a year ago for this after made up my mind between sena and cardo. Hope I haven't taken a wrong decision.

  • David Marquez
    David Marquez

    Ignacio how you downgrade the firmware version?? At the moment I can't have phone calls because the sound is horrible. I can't find where download the firmware files to downgrade the version.

  • Ignacio Z
    Ignacio Z

    I have always made the upgrades through the computer and Sena application. When you do this, the firmware file is stored in the computer so I have all the latest versions. I use 50R (not 50s) and I don't know if the file works for 50s.My problem was that after upgrading to 1.08 and 1.09 using first phone with the BMW TFT and second phone with Navigator, I lost sound for phone calls. It was fixed downgrading to 1.07 and that is why I'm waiting for a new one that fix all the problems. 

  • David Marquez
    David Marquez

    My problem is when I bought my 50s it came with version 1.0.9 installed and consequently I don't have the previous firmware files and I can't find where to download them to apply a downgrade. It is really a problem that with this version I can not have calls in a clear way.

    it's frustrating, I had the 30k and I sold it to buy these that supposedly should be better and it's not

  • Sena Support
    Sena Support

    Hi. This is one of the rare times that the release notes have been prepared and published before the firmware has been made available which means that it's not out yet and will be soon.

  • Ignacio Z
    Ignacio Z

    Hi. Thanks for clarifying. Hope it is really released soon. Waiting desperately! 

  • Jörg Gladitz
    Jörg Gladitz

    Ein Update auf 1.1 ist nicht möglich, weil dies wahrscheinlich nicht zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Bis jetzt nur Probleme mit SENA 50s, viel Geld bezahlt für nix und schlechtem Service, die begreifen nicht das das Update nicht heruntergeladen werden kann.

    Habe mehrfach probiert das über die Chatfunktion zu klären, aber man wird da schon ein wenig für Blöd hingestellt und wenn der Mitarbeiter nicht mehr weiter weiß oder keine Lust mehr hat ist ruhe am anderem Ende ........

    Wäre ich mal lieber bei Cardo geblieben.

  • Ralf kirmeyer
    Ralf kirmeyer

    Servus Jörg
    Ich kann deine Reaktion sehr gut verstehen,weil mich so etwas auch total nervt. Z. B Firmware geht nicht mit mitgelieferten WLAN Kabel zu installieren, sondern nur mit eigenen Kabel.
    Aber ich habe bisher 2x den Service in Anspruch genommen und die waren super schnell und kompetent. Einmal per Chat was mich total positiv überraschte und einmal ein Ticket aufgemacht.

    Ich habe auch noch mein Freecom 2 bzw Schuberth Helm Kragen um eventuell wieder zurück zu wechseln.

    Aber ich denke nicht weil das handling und app besser ist. Die Qualität vom Radio lässt aber zu wünschen übrig

  • Frank

    Jörg Gladitz vorne im Thread schreibt ein Support Mitarbeiter, das es ich bei der Firmware 1.1 um eine spezielle Version für die kommende Harman & Kardon Edition handeln soll. Diese geht nicht für die bisherigen 50er Geräte.

    Abgesehen davon, hatte ich anfangs auch Probleme mit meinem 50R. Mit dem Update auf 1.0.9 und dem tatsächlich wichtigem Zurücksetzen auf Werkseinstellung lief es problemlos. Was bisher immernoch nur sperrlich geht, ist die Spracherkennung, wenn das Gerät nicht auf Englisch steht. Damit kann ich aber leben.

    Da es mit der Firmware 1.0.9 ähnliche Probleme beim Download gab, weil sie ursprünglich für neuer 50er Geräte entwickelt wurde, gehe ich davon aus, das die 1.1 sicherlich bald auch für die bisherigen Geräte geben wird.
    Das 1.0.9 wurde damals rausgebracht, weil im Gerät Chips geändert werden mussten, weil die ursprünglichen nicht mehr gab.
    Jetzt geht sie ja auch für die erste und zweite Generation.

  • Frank

    Ralf kirmeyer Das Problem mit dem Einrichten des WiFi Adapters kenne ich zu gut.
    Eigentlich ist es tatsächlich kein Problem, wenn man das Youtube Video Schritt für Schritt auch wirklich befolgt und dem Gerät nach dem Einstecken im Strom auch ein paar Minuten gibt, das es sich verbinden kann und dann ins SENA steckt.

  • Ignacio Z
    Ignacio Z

    Hi Sena, 15 days since you said the new firmware were going to be available for all "soon"......

    Would you be so kind to be more specific? Can you please say when is going to be released? We (at least I) are expecting a new firmware since 1.09 were out due to its malfunction...

    Thanks in advance.

  • Sena Support
    Sena Support

    As of now, the v1.1 firmware is expected to be released at the end of this month or maybe the beginning of next month. Since we do not have an exact date on when it will be available, we have removed the firmware history notes for v1.1 for the time being. Thank you for your patience.

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    David Marquez Still searching for the older versions? can be a godsend for that stuff.

  • David Marquez
    David Marquez

    Tom (masterX244) is an excellent link, I can see the firmware version 1.1 on the list for the 50s. Has anyone updated with this file?

  • David Marquez
    David Marquez

    Buddy Bear in the link provided by Tom (masterX244) is the version 1.1 for the Sena 50S. You could try updating with this version and see if your problems are solved

  • Ignacio Z
    Ignacio Z

    Hi, David Marquez I wouldn't do.... If the 50R/S official firmware file has not been released yet, I'd rather wait until officially is deployed. Just in case.

    We do not really know if that file could damage the equipment.

    By the way, hope Sena Support tell us something very soon about the release date....

  • David Marquez
    David Marquez

    Ignacio Z Totally agree with you, it was just a suggestion. I haven't done it either and I'll wait for the official. The problem is that they have already taken too long and simply do not give a clear answer.

  • Kenneth Nesteroff
    Kenneth Nesteroff

    I tried the v1.1 provided by Tom Görner.  It seems to work well.  It enables the volume to be controlled by the BMW wonder wheel on my R1250GS which is awesome.  You can also see the options for the Harmon Kardon mic & speaker version in the SenaBluetoothDeviceManager.  I have the current HD speaker version so it allows you to set it for either one.  I paired it to the BMW TFT using Sena primary phone pairing and also paired it to my NAV VI using GPS pairing. (I disable media on the NAV VI).  My iPhone SE2 is paired to the TFT.  I also pair my iPhone SE2 to the NAV VI but Uncheck media and phone calls in the bluetooth setup on the NAV VI.  This keeps the BMW TFT as the hub for media and phone calls but allows you to hear the NAV VI if you wish to.  I have verified that phone calls and media work as expected but have not used intercom yet.  Will see if this is a stable setup.


  • Kenneth Nesteroff
    Kenneth Nesteroff

    I had the setup working but then the phone stopped routing calls to the head set.   I found that for this setup to work you have to turn on Bluetooth Intercom Audio Multitasking in the Sena Bluetooth Device Manager or phone app. That allows the calls to continue to route to the headset along with the NAV VI tones and voice prompts without problem.  Downside is that it disables the HD Intercom and voice.  I believe Sena should fix this so it works without having to select this.  Also the v 1.1 sometimes tries to route the volume control protocol to the NAV VI (which doesn't work) and the volume will not work on the wonder wheel.  Turning the bike off and back on seems to fix it some.  So some bugs remain.

  • Ignacio Z
    Ignacio Z

    In my case, phone stopped routing calls to headset with 1.08 and 1.09... I di not try enabling Audio Multitasking just because it disabled HD speakers....

    I expected that a new version fixes that but according to your post doesn't. I hope everything works properly with the official releasing of the 1.1 file that Sena Support said it was going to be released soon a month ago....

    Bearing in mind this is a 350€ device, it shouldn't be a surprise that we expect everything works.... Anyway, I downloaded to 1.07 and, at least, everything seems to work... except the volume with the BMW's wonder wheel. But I knew that before. 

  • David Marquez
    David Marquez

    Guys, oficial version is out!!!!! V1.1 appears now in the sena device manager. 

  • Ignacio Z
    Ignacio Z

    Hi David and thanks for the advice. I can see it and doing upgrade. Hope it works properly and phone calls routes to the headset with HD speakers selected... If not, unfortunately I will have to downgrade again to 1.07... I'll let you all know.

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    David Marquez Ignacio Z Did a quick check. File is identical to the one.

  • Ignacio Z
    Ignacio Z

    Well, after upgrading to V1.1 unfortunately, problems are still there....

    I have my Sena 50R connected to my BMW 1250GSA TFT and the phone call audio doesn't work. It works with multimedia but it doesn't with phone calls.

    I will disable HD speakers as Kenneth Nesteroff said to see if that way phone calls sounds on my speakers.

    Hope Sena Support takes note of this problem and pass it through it may concern. It should be fixed as soon as possible because this occurs from 1.08 version and I think it is not acceptable for a device like this.

    Meanwhile, i will have to downgrade to 1.07 again....and get my unit back to January 2021...


  • Ralf kirmeyer
    Ralf kirmeyer

    Dear Kenneth Nesteroff and Ignacio Z

    soll ich den Aufwand betreiben mein Sena 50s mit dem TFT zu verbinden?
    Oder habe ich dann Probleme, die mich ärgern?

    Danke Ralf 



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