Not able to see my smh10 when I connect to my computer
When I went to set up a firmware upgrade I followed the instutions and when I tried to connect to my computer, Nothing!! I am wondering if my set of smh10 units are even able to upgrade the firmware. Anyone have a solution?
Same problem here. Win 7 64-bit with full admin rights. Installed/re-installed SMH10 Manager applet and drivers several times. Get USB Device Not Recognized every time I connect. Shows up as unknown device in Device Manager. When manually install drivers in device properties, says drivers already installed and up to date. "SMH10 is not connected with the PC" message at bottom of SMH10 Manager window.
What gives?? I see the above post has been unanswered for about 6 weeks now.
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Use Device Manager and looking in USB Controllers for "CSR BlueCore Bluetooth" - that's the SMH-10. Have fun cracking the driver... :-) )
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I searched for the inf file for this driver on my PC and it is no where to be found. I created a case number with Sens's tech support and was told that I need to uninstall and re-install the program until the driver is found. I've already uninstalled and re-installed the software over ten times on my XP system, on a W7 32 bit system and on a MAC. None of the installations were successful. When I searched my OS for the driver, I found a couple of CSR .dll files but no inf files. I am running W XP 32 bit. I activated a Google search for the driver and found a couple of references to it on 3rd party sites and the CSR site. On some of the 3rd party sites you are required to run a reg scanner and/or pay for the driver. The web site of the company that designs this driver is There are many different versions of this driver (BC6130, 6140, 6145,6150, 7820 and 7830). It seems to me that Sena should publish which version we need for our specific operating systems so we can download it and add the driver manually. I suspect it may be the 7830 driver because the description references BT V3.0 but I am not sure.
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I have a pc ( Vista ), sometimes it works perfect ( updating the SMH 5 ), but the SMH 10 does not wan't to connect. It says: USB not recognities! Tried several times!
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Anyone figure this out? The CSRBlueCoreUSB.inf file is in the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Sena Technologies\SenaBluetoothDeviceManager" section of my computer when I install the Sena device manager software so I thought I'd manually install the drivers for the usb but it still doesn't work. Windows says "Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error while attempting to install it. This device cannot start (code 10)". There are actually 2 .INF files, "SenaBluetoothDeviceUSB.inf" and "CSRBlueCoreUSB.inf ". I have tried both of them with no success. This is really frustrating.
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I'm seeing this issue on multiple PCs - Windows XP x86 - Windows 7 Pro x64. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing multiple times, removing the inf/pnf files from the INF folder and reinstalling, attempted to force the device to use the drivers included in the installation folder and have had zero success. I've submitted another case with Sena.
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I've had the same problem for over a year. My ticket keeps opening and closing. The last response I sent to them was over three weeks ago. I sent screen shots to them so they could see that the PC could not find set up info in the INF file. I have a MAC10.6, a Windows 7 64 bit and a Windows XP 32 bit. None of the OS's are able to find the driver to allow you to upgrade the firmware.
The uninstall and re-install process is just an exercise in futility.I am going to attach the screen shots to this post also
SENA BT Drv Errors.doc0 -
Same problem here.
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Got on the ph with tec support. Last thing we tried was a different cable. Brand new cable that came with the smh-2 was bad. It will charge OK but will not pass data. Try a different cable as a potential fix
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It's been a little over a year now, but I thought I'd give the recommendation from Stevepierce a try, and used a different cable (from my cellphone). It worked! Can't believe I missed something so simple!
(I also downloaded and installed v1.4.1 of Sena Bluetooth Device Manager).
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I'm in the same boat, Win7x64, tried multiple USB cables, multiple connections, multiple Sena Device Manager re-installs, no joy, love the product, but the software seems to have some suckage
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Same issue here on my home computer. I brought everything into work on my work computer running the exact same version of Windows and everything works fine. There is something different on my computer at home that is preventing the software from recognizing the device. At work there is no issue.
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Add me to the list!!
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plug the device in, then hold the jog dial and phone button until the led turns and flashes Violet then release , then the manager should see it , You cant just plug it in the usb, the device manager wont see it unless its in upgrade mode. This is how it works on Intel Mac, should be the same for windows
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same problem can't find my unit on my computer
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It seems like a lot of problems connecting to PC. Where can I find the above answers? I use Windows 7.
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I guess I had the original problem. What I ended up doing was installing the software on my Macbook Pro and it works fine. I was never able to get it to work on my Windows machine -- any of them. First time on the Mac and everything worked fine.
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How did you get your Mac to except the Sena device manager software ? My computer will not allow me to install it saying that it did not come from the App. Store. Mac Book Pro with OS-X . 0 -
Hi Albert,
You need to disable the gatekeeper in your Mac temporarily.
Gatekeeper options are found in Apple menu > System Preferences… > Security & Privacy > General tab under the header "Allow applications downloaded from:" you need to select "Anywhere"
After you have downloaded and installed the Sena Device Manager you need to change Anywhere to Mac App Store and identified developers in the above option (Gatekeeper).
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my first attempt to update the firmware received a error msg like device not recognized .... I am running Win 7 64 bit os
I closed the Sena Device manager, powered off the SMH10, disconnected it from the PC.
Then I plugged the USB cable to the PC, press and hold the phone and job button at the same time until the led turns and flashes Violet then released the buttons.
THEN I started up the Sena Device Manger ... Worked perfectly !! device recognized, updated the firmware from V4.0.1 to V5.0.1
worked perfectly.....
did a second headset, same process
did a SM10, same process
it SEEMS that if you put the device into UPDATE mode FIRST, THEN start up the Device Manager it works fine ... well, at least that worked for me.
Good Luck
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Thanks Omikey, that worked for me on my MAC. Trick needed for me was to plug in the cable and power up the headset prior to starting the Device Manager application.
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I get a "The disc image file is corrupted" message when trying to open the device manager. Any ideas on that?
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It sounds like you're clicking the firmware .img file. Please download the Sena Device Manager application from our website and use that to open the firmware file.
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Same problem with my SMH5. Tried all the above and no progress. SURELY there is a straightforward way to get this done? Someone? From Sena? Anyone?
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I was unable to find my new SMH10s using Sena Device Manager on my laptop running W7 64x but found that it worked all right on my desktop running W7 32x. Then, as Michael OConnor noted, I found that the laptop worked if I ignore the instructions and power up the headset prior to starting Sena Device Manager. So, things aren't as bleak as I first thought. Sena, however, ought to fix their manager to correct the identification routine or correct the prompts for a successful link up and firmware update.
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I couldn't get my Windows laptop to recognize the device until I used the Sena-supplied USB cable. I didn't think it mattered and had been attempting to use my phone charging cable, but apparently it does. After much teeth-gnashing, 4-letter words and email exchanges with tech support everything finally worked as advertised when I switched to the Sena cable.
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Thanks to Dmmaynard3, his post works a dream, forget the book, Hold "phone and Jog button" together, firmware will recognise Device AND install the driver, this allows to upgrade device, and then install a new driver, Happy Days ? 0 -
Well I've tried all of the above (SMH5) apart from violet flashing LED because whatever I do I can't get the violet flashing LED.
I have noticed that in Device Manager I have a yellow exclamation mark next to Sena SMH5, the driver is a not a digitally signed driver so this may be my problem.
Other than logging a case with Sena (done that) then I'm at a loss.
Basic stuff this really, in this day & age it should work 1st time!
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Tried all above suggestions including new cell phone cable. No joy..... I have deleted and reloaded the install software, reloaded the drivers lit incense danced around a campfire and howled at the moon to no avail. The incense, however, is better than Sena support
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I had the same issue as above and tried all the suggestions mentioned but noting was working for me. Since I have now got it working and upgraded, I thought I should share how.
I tried upgrading from v5.1 to v5.1.1 ( I was experiencing minor issues and was hoping this would fix it). The progress bar of the firmware upgrade in the device manager got stuck at 90%. After trying all the solutions I could find, I decided to restore it back to v5.1 during a rare moment when it would reconnect to the PC (running Windows 10). When complete, it had actually upgraded the firmware to v5.1.1 and all was working perfectly!
The main help was changing the cable to one that fit into the headset more securely as I think the dodgy connection could have been causing a lot of the problems.In case you haven't tried it, I would recommend trying to 'restore' the firmware to actually achieve the upgrade.
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