Making 2-way radios work with this unit.
The SR10 supports 2-way radios in the attached file at this moment. The other 2-way radios might work with the SR10 as long as the cable pin-out matches. Otherwise, you will need to make your own custom cable on your own.
Can anyone tell me how much of a delay there is between the time you press the XMit button and start talking to the actual time it is sent and vice versa? I know with some (e.g. Harley) adapters, there is a very noticeable delay and that is so annoying I stopped using it.
Thanks in advance
Hi Grizz,
If there are no incoming sound from the radio for about 5 seconds, the SR10 will disconnect from the Bluetooth headset. It can take a second to re-open the link between the SR10 and Bluetooth headset, when an incoming comes in.
You can keep the link open indefinitely by double tapping the button on the SR10
Can anyone help me with what cable I need to allow my SR 10 to work with my
BaoFeng UV-5R+ Dual-Band 136-174/400-480 MHz FM
Pat Bradley
Almost all the Chinese HTs have Kenwood 2 pin pinouts so the Kenwood cable works fine. I use it with my Quansheng HT and it works great.
Agreed it will be the Kenwood
Thank You Jim & Roger I will order it today, Sena should edit it 's existing compatibility list an add to it for all these unknown radio's
Does anyone know if the Motorola CP040 should working with the twin pin Motorola cable? When I press the PTT buttom the audio channel is open on both Radio's but there is no voice transmission possible.
Does anyone know if the icom or the midland connector will work on a Cobra 45WRX? They both look close to what I need, but I'm not sure.
we have three sena sr 10s conected to uniden UH076 SX-NB, and sena s SMH10 . We can hear SMH10 TO SMH10 very clear but when we use the UHF we can not use it at any speed above 20 kms per hr! please hel
we have three sena sr 10s conected to uniden UH076 SX-NB, and sena s SMH10 . We can hear SMH10 TO SMH10 very clear but when we use the UHF we can not use it at any speed above 20 kms per hr! please hel
I have a Midland 75-822 working with the SR10 and my SMH10 Headset. I have the Midland radio connected to my bike's 12 volt cig outlet using the bike's battery for power but every time I use the PPT there is a loud buzz on the other end to my buddy who is receiving my transmission. How can I stop this? Is there a filter or something I need to connect between the SR10 and the radio, or between the radio and it's power source? Please help. Thanks.
In the dim and distant past I remember reading about PTT noise problems with certain radios. It was cured by a capacitor if I remember rightly. I suggest that you Google it to see what you come up with. I don't think that Senna bother to monitor these forums so you won't get any help there unless you email them direct.
Thanks for the reply, I have reached out to Sena with no reply back from them on my open ticket. I believe its a ground loop issue because I am using the power supplied from the bike and not a battery pack. I did find info and solutions on this but it seems they are mostly for stereo radios not CB radios. There are ground loop isolators out there but the way they are configured I won't know how to apply them to the midland 75-822 or where to place them to solve my issue. I was hoping someone here ran into the same issue and could direct me in the right path. Thanks again.
Please see this other thread:
Hi Sena Team.
I needed to connect SR10 which airband 2-way radio Icom IC-A14.
In the process, it became clear that when you press the PTT transistor opens and shunts mic output on the ground.
The figure shows my working version.
Why it was made?
What is the sequence of auxiliary components run through the SR10 and SMH10? I have a blue tooth Garmin GPS, Radar detector, wife has a second SMH10, music and calls from a smart phone, and will be running a Midland 75-822 CB. Also, if I am running the Midland through the SR10 and Bluetooth connecting the SR10 through the SMH10, how would I zero in on the CB to talk and listen?
@Ken: You have 1 too many devices for the SMH10 to be paired with so you would need to pair and connect everything in the following sequence:
Pair the smartphone with the GPS (answering phone calls must be done through the GPS).
Pair the GPS to the SMH10 with Phone Selective Pairing.
Pair the SR10 to the SMH10 with Multipoint Pairing.
Connect the Midland radio to the port for two-way radios.
Connect the radar detector to the SR10 AUX input.
Pair the smartphone to the SMH10 with Media Selective Pairing.
Pair your SMH10 to your wife's SMH10.
Talking on the Midland is done by pressing the PTT button on the SR10 or the wired PTT button for the handlebar. Listening to the Midland is done automatically. The SR10 shares the highest level of priority with phone calls and GPS directions so talking and listening on the Midland will interrupt all lower priority level functions like intercom with the 2nd SMH10 and music from your smartphone.
I have the SR10, if your Garmin has an audio out connector then you could also connect the Garmin using a cable to the other AUX port on the SR10. You can then pair the phone with the SMH10 direct, which is probably more convenient, since if you are like me you probably don't travel with the Garmin or the SR10 every trip. Another alternative is to pair the phone with the SR10 :)
I have a Motorola XPR6350 radio that refuses to work correctly with the SR10.... it seems that the radio uses some method other than what the SR10 deems correct for putting the radio into transmit..... the SR10 puts the radio into constant transmit whenever the cable is plugged into the radio and the SR10.... could it be that the SR10 grounds the PTT line to put the radio into transmit??? Why can't the PTT signal be configurable as a function of the Firmware??? This might make it MUCH MORE compatible with MANY radios out there.... If you look at the lists of radios that are compatible with the SR10, you notice they are all OLD RADIOS....Time to update the hardware AND the list to newer radios SENA!!
Rbser do you have the correct interface cable? It doesn't look like it has the normal jack sockets so how are you doing it?
The Correct (and ONLY) cable for the MOTOROLA XPR 6350 (with the M7 adapter to MOTOROLA 2 pin 8MM plug) is the SC-A0111
It works with MOTOROLA XTN Series Hand Helds, as well as all the ANTIQUE MOTOROLA radios listed here on SENA's site.. The SR10 has TOO LOW and impedance on the PTT line FROM the SR10 Hirose pin#4 (PTT) and the radio thinks it is getting the signal to transmit... I have found an open set of lands inside the SR10 at C4 Connector where the PTT connects to the board... It would be nice to have a SENA Engineer confirm this.... Attached is a photo of the SR10 board...
has anyone made any headway on a cable to use on a Harley Davidson to use the CB through a SR10? I have a 2012 Electra glide and a 2012 Tri glide and and end up using a HD headset for the CB and the SMH10 for the intercom because my wife likes not being hooked up to the bike by a cable.
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