Shuts off at random



  • Gary Whisman
    Gary Whisman

    I also bought the twin set and have the problem with a unit powering down at random. Have not yet tested the second unit as I am waiting on a friend to install it in his helmet. Units are new and ver. 1.3  

  • Jeff Dolence
    Jeff Dolence

    I am on my 3rd 20S.  The first one would randomly shut off.  The second worked at the end of last season and would not charge sometime toward the end of Winter.  The present, third unit, randomly shut off  a few times during our first ride of this season and multiple times during the last ride about 2 weeks ago.  It looks like I will have to open a new ticket and request a replacement if it fails during the Moonshine Lunch run on April 9th if this continues.  I am running the latest firmware, v1.3., and I believe there may have been a model change.

  • Mia B
    Mia B

    I have the same, although it doesn't shut down, it just looses all connections. :-(
    I issued a ticket, but am wondering when Sena is ever going to assign it to a support agent?
    (I work in a support Helpdesk and we have like very strict KPI's on that)......

    well, I'll just have to wait I guess.....

  • Smmaslov

    Just got my Sena 20S in a dual pack last of the units working fine...second is switching off randomly :(

  • Smmaslov

    New Firmware ver. 1.4 just realised, will test tomorrow, hope the issue has been fixed :) 

  • Smmaslov

    Tested with latest Firmware issue still persist, so most probably it is hardware problem

  • Smmaslov

    Posted my faulty unit to Ebay reseller today (29/04/2015) for exchange...will see how long the process will take...

  • Johny5 Uk
    Johny5 Uk

    I posted my faulty unit back to the reseller in UK, they sent me a replacement unit within 3 days. All is working 100% as it should be now!

    Just to point out, i had bought a twin pair, my friend was reluctant to send his back (they wanted both) as his was working fine so just sent mine back.

    Happy everything working now.

  • Steve Sutinen
    Steve Sutinen

    So I also have the random shutdown problem. 

    Today I was only connected to an iPhone 5. Connected successfully. Rode approx. 30 mins but had not yet started any music playing. Started music and almost immediately the 20S turned off. None of the normal tones and "good bye" when shutting off, just the music stopping and the slightly background hiss disappearing. Press both jog and phone buttons and the 20S starts up normally with tones, "hello", "phone connected". Ride another 1 hour with no problems.

    Has anyone got any ideas what may be causing this?

  • Ken

    That is precisely how my 20S randomly shuts off.  Everything is quiet . . . too quiet.  Suspecting that my friends are talking but I'm not hearing, I press the two buttons to power the unit OFF.  Instead of powering down, the 20S STARTS with tones and the Sena lady says, "Hello." (and then the connections).   

    Sena  appears to be too busy with other projects to fix the several 20S problems that we're all complaining about.    Four or more of their engineers should install 20S units in their helmets and go out for a ride.  I guarantee they'll come back with more urgency to fix the product.   

  • Firewa11

    I've got the dual-box shut-off of shame issue as well.  One unit is perfect, the other shuts off.  I swapped bases to see if that were the issue, but it's definitely the unit itself.  Both have upgraded to the latest firmware, both are identical in configuration, but one just shuts off for no reason.  I plopped both helmets down on the carpet next to me just to test it out.  After about 5-10 minutes, I'll glance over and see the 'problem child' is no longer blinking.  No audio saying it's shutting down, no nothing.  And I've got to go through 2 cycles of the power-on sequence to get it to come back up.  The other unit is happy as can be, pairs right back up, no issues with that unit.  I've got an open request with Sena right now, put in all my updates but nobody from Sena has responded after 3 days now.  I guess I will try and pick up the phone and get through to someone.  I'm about to go on a 5-day touring trip next month and it's going to suck if I have to bring this Sena unit.  I'll have ripped the thing off my helmet and chunked it by the time we get an hour down the road.

  • Jeff Dolence
    Jeff Dolence

    Thought I would share...

    I swapped mine at my local dealer (45 minutes away)  because I did not hear anything from support for 3 days.  When I did, support indicated that it might be a battery issue.  The unit charged up normally, but maybe these issues are battery related. Get them while they are still under support.  This is my 4th unit, and I will be testing this Saturday.

    It seems like the first 4 numbers of the serial number after 20S are the release/model number. My riding friend has a 1407 and his seems to work normally.

    • 1st unit - 1406 - communications problems and then would not charge toward end of 2014 season
    • 2nd unit - 1407 - worked good, but would not charge at the beginning of 2015 riding season
    • 3rd unit - 1406 - intermittent and random power off especially during cold morning weather on my 1st ride of 2015 season
    • 4th unit - 1501 - let's keep our fingers crossed.

    Hope this helps.

  • Steve Sutinen
    Steve Sutinen

    Firmware v1.4 does not appear to help and could have actually made mine worse. My 20S shut down at least 6 times today in a 3 hour ride. Again, the first shut down occurred almost immediately after starting to play music but was fine for 45 minutes before that with nothing playing.

  • Dae

    My wife has noticed that hers only seems to shut down when playing music. She had her first (and only) ride without shutdown issues this weekend when she forgot to put the SD Card in her GPS and therefore wasn't listening to music.

    However, the following day she was leading a group ride and had serious shutdown problems, causing some missed junctions as it she'd missed turn directions due to the 20s shutting down. She was listening to music this time.

    I've now sent her unit back to the retailer for replacement as this unreliability is unacceptable, especially given the cost of the product.

  • Kathy Brojakowski
    Kathy Brojakowski

    When our dual pack arrived DH was the first to use his unit. He had multiple shut downs when trying to use the 20s with his Zumo 660. Yesterday we rode and did not use the Garmin at all. Neither of us had shut downs. We used just our phones for music and nav and the Sena's worked well. IN our case I think it's a connection issue with the Zumo. 

  • Squadcarman

    I am having the same problem with our 20s dual. Headsets turn off usually proceeded by a soft "pop" sound. it happens weather we are connected to music/radio or not. Very frustrating. Started a ticket, but no reply yet.

  • Amorris3211

    I too am having the same problem about once an hour.  I am using the latest firmware and it has not improved the performance.  I have contacted Sena and will let everyone know their response and if I have any improvement with a new unit.

  • Peter

    same issue with my 20S. Am going to lad version 1.3 to see if it remedies issue.

  • Amorris3211

    Received my replacement unit but may never know if the problem is resolved since now I am not able to load new firmware due to "USB not Recognized" message.  I have tried every USB port on two compters and three different cables with no success.

  • Squadcarman

    Sent in my units on June 10 for repair or replacement. Still no word on the problem from them. I was hoping to be able to use them this summer, but have resorted to using my old Cardo Scala Rider G4's.  At least they still work well for intercom.  I may have to considered updating to G9s. I loved the audio quality of the Sena, but need a unit I can rely on.

  • Ken

    Last June with the first Sena 20S units that were shipped in the US, we were plagued by many problems, units turning themselves OFF was one of them.  It was very frustrating and annoying. 

    I just got back from a 13 day 3,000 mile  plus tour with several friends.  We all have Sena 20S units.  We're all running the latest firmware.  I want to inform the forum that none of us experienced a single shut-off problem during the entire trip.  

    We used the Group Intercom function which work very well.  (not flawlessly, but very well) and had good reliable communications for every leg of the trip with only a few issues that I'm reporting to Sena.  But all in all, the 20S has come a long ways in the past year.  We're happy and encouraged that the final issues will be solved just like the original issues. 



  • Lars Baeter
    Lars Baeter

    I am having the same random shutdown (crash) problem with our SMH10D. In June I bought a Dualpackage by Amazon, updated, as recommended the firmware and had from the beginning some problems. Sometimes my Nexus 4 shows a bluetooth connection but I hear nothing in my speaker and have to do a new pairing, by pressing the phone knob for 5sec. but really more annoying is the problem that the device shuts down (crash) for no apparent reason and I have to push the two buttons to power it ON again. That is a serious failure and justifies a warranty replacement.

    Yesterday I opened here in this support forum a Sena record and send my replacement request.  Still waiting for a answer

  • Squadcarman

    I received my replacement 20s Dual kit. It was a wait of about a month. I have installed them on my helmet and used them for several days and hundreds of miles. They have worked flawlessly. The replacement units latch to the bases better, and connect way better than the old units. I was becoming extremely frustrated with the old units , but SENA has redeemed themselves on this one.

  • Brian Hengeveld
    Brian Hengeveld

    I too am experiencing random shut downs and lock ups.  In addition to the unit shutting off, it also locks up with a loud buzz / tone / white noise through the headset.  The only way to get rid of it is to reboot the unit.  I had experienced both of these problems in the past.  But they were very infrequent.  Yesterday, while paired with one other 20S, the unit shut down at least 15 times.  The white noise happened nearly as often.  I spent half my ride rebooting the headset.  Purchased my unit in a dual pack from Revzilla less than 1 year ago.  Very frustrating.

    Oddly, I was on a 4 person ride two weeks ago, paired with 3 SMH10s, and didn't have any problems.  I am also paired to an iPhone 6 plus while riding and this never happens when I'm alone.  Only when I'm paired with another unit.  Firmware problem?  Could it be something with iOS?  What the heck is going on?  

  • Brian Hengeveld
    Brian Hengeveld

    I need to clarify my last post.  I just checked my unit and see that I'm running firmware 1.4.  The unit I was paired with (not group intercom) yesterday was running 1.4.1.  Is it possible that the two different firmwares can cause the 1.4 unit experience issues?  Because mine was the only one getting blown up.  The 1.4.1 unit didn't have any issues at all.  

  • Lars Baeter
    Lars Baeter

    Is it possible that this failure will be externally induced by interferences? .. I swapped my SMH10 and with the new device this problem nearly disappeared .. but now and then also the new device shuts randomly off .. probably caused by a radar warning device or somethin like that .. could this be a cause or is this only total nonsens?

  • Willie Duplooy
    Willie Duplooy

    Hi Brian. As far as I know, version 1.4.1 does solve issues that were detected in version 1.4. But this is not necessary the reason you are experiencing problems. One commonality I have seen, is that everyone who complains, bought the dual set, and had problems with one of the units. Where is your other unit so that you can update them both to 1.4.1 and test?

    Once my faulty unit got replaced, I haven't experienced any issues - even when the two headsets were on different versions of firmware. I would say, get the faulty unit replaced. Sena has been good thus far in replacing them, but you don't want to let it slip past warranty.

  • Amorris3211

    You should have3 your unit replaced.  Sena has been very good about replacing these faulty units.  They replaced mine in June and I have had no issues since.

  • Brian Hengeveld
    Brian Hengeveld

    Willie, the other unit in the dual pack was already replaced by Sena.  A buddy and I bought the dual pack to save a couple of bucks.  His wouldn't turn on at all.  It has since been replaced.  I've opened a ticket with Sena.  We'll see how things go.  My biggest fear is the wait time without the unit.  I've become completely addicted to it.  I don't know if I can ride without it anymore.  And we have a big weekend trip planned for the 2nd week of September.  Believe it or not, I'd rather ride around punching the side of my helmet and pressing buttons than not have a unit at all.  I do love the product.  

  • Amorris3211

    They will definitely replace the unit but you probably will not have the replacement by the planned date for your trip.  I would just wait and return the unit after you have completed the trip.


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