SMH10 Intercom and SmartPhone GPS navigation
I have a feeling this has already been asked, but I'll ask again anyway:
While riding my motorcycle, I want to use the Copilot navigation app on my Android phone for turn-by-turn navigation, and use intercom function to talk/listen to another SMH10 (my passenger). I can successfully pair my SMH10 with the smartphone (Galaxy S4 Mini), and with the other SMH10. The smartphone pairs as a phone, and the intercom pairs as an intercom.
However, I cannot use the intercom and receive the navigation prompts at the same time. I have to tap the jog dial to switch between the intercom and the phone, and back again.
I assume the phone is sending the navigation prompts using the A2DP profile ("media"), and I don't see any way to change it. I think I understand the lower- and higher-priority profiles, but it seems like at least one mode should work -- I should be able to be on the intercom and have the phone interrupt it with navigation prompts, or be listening to the navigation prompts and have the intercom VOX interrupt when I or my passenger speaks.
If the problem is the fixed priority order, I've seen a couple of feature requests asking for configurable priority order, and I think this would be a very good idea.
Otherwise, these are nice units -- the VOX and the sidetone work well.
Hi Ckelly1100, you phone does use the A2DP channel to send the navigation prompts to the SMH10. The A2DP/media is the lowest in priority, which is why it will not interrupt while you're on intercom.
The intercom will interrupt the navigation prompt, because intercom has a higher priority.
The priority is fixed and cannot be changed in any Sena headset.
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Nope. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I still can't get it to work. I have to tap the jog dial switch between listening to the other SMH10 (intercom) or to the phone (navigation). If I set it so I'm listening to the phone, the other SMH10 never interrupts the phone. I tried disabling all the SMH10 features (VOX, sidetone, etc.) but it didn't make any difference.
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I should add that it's not just the navigation app -- the intercom never seems to interrupt anything that's playing on the phone (youtube, etc.).
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We have some questions that we would like to know to assist you with your issues. Do you have the latest firmware on both of the SMH10 headsets? When you are in intercom mode and communicating between the two SMH10 headsets, is the LED on the both headsets flashing blue twice at the same time? Did you use mobile phone pairing (holding down the phone button for 5 seconds) when you paired your SMH10 to your phone?
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Here are my answers:
Do you have the latest firmware on both of the SMH10 headsets?
Both SMHs are v5.1.
When you are in intercom mode and communicating between the two SMH10 headsets, is the LED on the both headsets flashing blue twice at the same time?
Yes, they flash in sync.
Did you use mobile phone pairing (holding down the phone button for 5 seconds) when you paired your SMH10 to your phone?
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Ckelly1100, thank you for answering those questions. We suggest performing a Factory Reset on both SMH10 headsets (refer to the User's Guide on how to perform a Factory Reset). You will need to pair your phone and the two SMH10 headsets together again and see if the problem is still happening. For clarification, the Copilot app uses A2DP for GPS navigation audio so it will only be interrupted by an intercom conversation since it has the lowest priority.
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Here's what I did:
Phone: Unpair phone from SMH #1, restart phone
SMH: Factory reset both SMHsRestart both SMHs
Pair SMHs using Intercom pairing method. Result: LEDs flash in sync (2 quick flashes), intercom works.
Restart SMH #1. LEDs not in sync, intercom not working
Tap jog dial. Result: LEDs flash in sync, intercom works.
Restart SMH #1.
Pair SMH #1 and phone using phone pairing method. Result: Get 'Your headset is paired' prompt. LEDs not in sync, no intercom. Can hear navigation app prompts.
Tap jog dial. Result: Intercom works, LEDs in sync. Can't hear navigation prompts.
Tap jog dial. Result: No intercom LEDs not in sync. Can hear navigation prompts.
Tap jog dial. Result: Intercom works, LEDs in sync. Can't hear navigation prompts.
I tried pairing the SMHs first, and then the phone, and pairing the phone first and then the SMHs, and got the same results.
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Any update on this or should I enter a formal ticket?
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Your phone's GPS uses the A2DP channel which is the lowest priority. You will NOT be able to listen to the GPS directions while the SMH10 is in intercom mode. You will NOT be able to listen to intercom and phone's GPS audio at the same time. The priority function is listed in the SMH10 manual and the priority function is fixed.
(highest) Mobile phone, HFP < Garmin zumo
Stereo music by audio cable,
Music sharing by Bluetooth stereo music,
(lowest) Bluetooth stereo music (A2DP) < This is where your phone GPS isYou need a standalone GPS device such as the Garmin zumo (which uses the HFP channel) in order for the GPS to interrupt while you are on intercom.
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I understand the profiles and their priorities. I understand that if I'm in Intercom mode (highest priority), I won't be able to hear the navigation prompts or streaming music (lowest priority). What I don't understand is why I can't do the opposite -- why can't I be in streaming (A2DP) mode (lowest priority), and have the intercom (highest priority) interrupt the prompts / music?
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Try this - turn on both SMH10 and your phone. Play music on your phone to hear the music on SMH10 #1. Now tap the jog dial on SMH10 #2 to intercom with SMH10 #1. It should stop music and then intercom will connect.
If not, please try calling tech support - 866-300-1234
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Well yes, manually switching between the phone and the intercom has always worked. I was looking for a way to switch automatically. Perhaps that's impossible.
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If you want the intercom to override the phone's audio intermittently, you could just set the smh10 to VOX activated intercom. Then it will only override the phone while you are talking and switch back to the phone when you stop talking. This doesn't appeal to me though because my wife and I chat a lot while riding and the VOX takes too long to switch over for our tastes. It should also have an adjustable threshold for activation so I don't have to scream to trigger it or have a wind gust do it for me.
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Please consider allowing us the users to set, and take the responsibility for, the priority settings in Sena Manager. Not all A2DP should be screaming into our intercoms, but allow us to choose that for applications where we really must hear it. Thanks.
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Would letting users to choose the priorities fix this? The suggestion to purchase Garmin Zumo can not be taken seriously:
a) I already have a phone, so does everybody who rides. Do I really need to spend more $ then I just spent on 2 SENA 10 units?
b) Not SENA product, am I missing something here?
c) Not as convenient as a phone for short trips.
d) Does not provide user-driven content as Waze.
e) We are not in stone age,-- phone navigation apps are the way to go.
Please, add this feature to this otherwise EXCELLENT product. Is this feature supported on 20s?
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Here's a bit of a mystery; I was using my SMH5's on a recent trip with my BIL (Brother-In-Law). My Sena was paired with my Moto E cellphone and his Sena was paired with his Iphone. We were both using Google Maps navigation on our phones. We could be talking with each other and his nav voice prompts would 'break in' and give him instructions (exactly how it should work). But the only way I can get instructions is to abort our conversation (tap the jog dial) and then wait for nav instructions (and hope I didn't miss the nav prompt). Does the Iphone use a different method of communicating with the Sena??
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Not sure if SMH5 has Navigation app support but if it does turn it on. Make sure your update is current v2.2
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Ken Kimari:
What are you talking about? What is this "Navigation app support" that you speak of? I have the SMH10 v5.1.1 (big brother of the SMH5) and I've never heard of this. This entire thread has confirmed that the Intercom takes priority OVER any phone's navigation prompts.
MANY customers would like to primarily use their SMH for continuous intercom (without VOX delays) AND be automatically interrupted with the occasional navigation prompts. Sena has said that it doesn't work that way. I would like to have Sena either decree that the SMH10 is hardwired and will never be capable of this, or decree that they will be able to work on a firmware update that will be able to accomplish this. I've been waiting for years for this feature. If it's just not going to be there, I'll shop for another com system that has it.
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The SMH5 has always worked fine with Google Maps Nav thru my Android phone, BUT the nav prompts will NOT break into an ongoing intercom conversation (but they do on my Brother-In-Law's Iphone !???). However, I did just update to Ver 2.2 (I was at 2.1) and there is no change. Nav still works great, as long as I am not connected to another Sena! (I also used the Sena Bluetooth Manager to turn off A2DP, but it doesn't make a difference.)
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My bad - probably doesn't work with the SMH series. This feature is included in the 20s. Mrb didn't state what model his BIL had but I suspect he has a 20s if he is able to hear nav from his phone while on intercom. It works just fine with my 20s, I can have an intercom conversation with a SMH unit and get nav and music at the same time.
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We are both using my SHM5's
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Sorry, can't help you as I don't have an SMH5. One thing to check. I would look and compare settings with your BIL. If they are the same, pair his iphone to your SMH5 and the android phone to his and see if the situation reversed itself. If so then it probably has something to do with how the android phone pairs with the Sena vs the iphone.
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Ahh, so now I get it. The new 20S DOES support both intercom at the same time as phone navigation! (plus a bunch more). Unfortunately, this week I'm short the $600 that a pair would cost me. (actually every week).
The question still stands if Sena will put this feature in the SMH10's or require us to all pony up. And it'd be interesting to know about the iPhone working ok on an SMH.
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Yep, they are pricy, however Amazon has dual pack for $429 as well as others if that helps some!
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One other thing I thought of. The iphone uses apple maps for navigation while android phones use google. That may make a difference on how verbal cues are relayed over bluetooth.
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On iPhone, you can use Apple maps that are pre-installed, or install Google Maps from App Store, or install Waze (owned by Google). Therefore you have (at least) 3 choices. Waze has a configuration setting on how to communicate over bluetooth, but I have not tested if it makes it to cut-in over intercom.
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During our trip to the Indy Moto GP, my Brother-In-Law was using my wife's SMH5 and we paired it with his Iphone. I made sure he was using Google Maps so that we would both be using the same route. I'll look into Waze and check it out. (the wife has it on her Moto X)
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Just installed WAZE on my Moto E and it has a bunch of setting options but I couldn't find anything related to bluetooth communication. Just like Google Maps, works fine with voice prompts as long as I'm not connected to another Sena intercom. A phone call will break into an intercom conversation (as it should), but not nav prompts! Obviously the nav prompts are coming thru the "Media channel" and don't have priority over the intercom (however, if I'm just listening to Pandora, the nav prompts will come thru!!). I'm assuming the Iphone must send nav prompts thru the "phone channel"??
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Waze has 2 sound settings: "Play sound to phone speaker" and "Prefer Bluetooth". According to this thread, "Prefer Bluetooth" interrupts radio or CD when paired with car speakers. I wonder, if it will do the same for Sena intercom. The following link points to support description, that says it can interrupt calls, if call is routed to speaker. Nevertheless, I have not tried all the combinations yet as usually ride alone (1 - Both OFF, 2 - "Prefer Bluetooth", 3 - "Play sound to phone speaker")
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Those are great links, thanks! Unfortunately the Android app does not have the "Prefer Bluetooth" choice. And toggling the "Play sound to speakers" does not make any difference with the Sena. Oh well.. maybe they'll fix this in the future.
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