Adjustable Threshold on SR10
I use the SR10 with SMH10 for radar detector volume (occassionally phone to the SR10 instead of Zumo 665). My problem is now that I'm using earpuds for sound, the sound is very crisp, etc. but radar detector tones are deafening. I operate with the SENA volume up all the way to get appropriate MEDIA sound (with Navigation volume scaled back). Obviously there is a volume control on the remote audio adapter of the Valentine One. My point is at a radar detector volume level just below where it is now, I get no sound, the SR10 does not think sound is coming in. Thus, it is set at the lowest possible volume that gives me an indication. That level is very loud. If there was a way to change to a second threshold, this product would be much more useable.
Other options are available to me on the NAV/media system but are unacceptable. Can this be fixed in SR10 firmware?
Josh, I just got in from a trip on my new GS. I read on ADVrider that the SR10 would prioritize the radar input and override intercom, which is what I'd really like to have. I used to run through the SM10, but if I was on the intercom, no radar alert. Apparently, I didn't have the V1 turned up enough as the SR10 never kick in. I'd like to see if someone else has some ideas.
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The SR10 is JUNK , After having multiple units both of which acted up the same way. After 20 minutes or so of use the audio going through the SR10 turns to a garbled mess using it to transmit through the radio cord. SENA refuses to admit there's a problem with them and I know 5 other people who had the same problem and opted to use a different product which I have now just decided to do. SENA left a bad taste and I would never recommend anyone buy one of these units...........
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