SMH10 - We can't hear GPS direction from phone when using intercom!
I am aware that an additional gps system can be used along-side intercom.
However, because I and many others use a phone for gps I.e Google maps, I cannot hear the gps when in intercom mode. this means that I have to keep switching back to my phone to hear the gps directions and switch back to resume a conversation.
I love the smh10 but it should be possible to have a setting for phone audio feed through even if it does interupt for a second to tell me where I'm going!
This is the only frustrating thing about my rides when I have passenger.
I have this issue also. No one I know uses a separate GPS if they have a smartphone. Why would they? We all use Google Maps on our phones and would like to have directions pass through to our headsets. FWIW, I have an iPhone and an SMH10.
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Hi John - Unfortunately the SMH 10 does not support multi-tasking. It is a hardware issue/bluetooth version issue. The SMH 10 has had a long run since it's introduction in 2010 - back when phone based GPS was very basic and not the norm for navigation. It was state of the art back then! It has had plenty of updates over time but new technology has overtaken it's basic functionality and the SMH10 is no longer being manufactured. It was a good solid unit for what it did but you can't expect 2010 technology to keep up with today's stuff.
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Darn... I literally just bought the SMH10 from Revzilla two weeks ago - why is it still on the market if it is obsolete? It is also still listed on the Sena website. I spent $160 on something that is 8 year old technology...
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I think I just found the solution. There is a setting in Google Maps to play the navigation prompts over Bluetooth. Works great with the SMH10.
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My apologies. Sena still has an SMH10. It is an updated model from the original but it is just a basic intercom, music player. It uses bluetooth 3.0 but there is no multitasking with it. The 10s uses bluetooth 4.1, allows use of the Sena phone app, group intercom, but no multitasking. Need to go to 20s (now discontinued but still out there) or the 20s evo for that.
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Yes, it will play the nav prompts but not overlay with intercom which I think the original questioner had. If you are happy with either having the intercom or your phone playing the prompts but not both then it is all good
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Fortunately with Sena their whole line supports the basic intercom function so that you can pair with any of the models. Even the original one that came out in 2010 (which I still have on my spare helmet)
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Same here. As far as I'm aware, no one who owns a smartphone utilizes a secondary GPS. I don't see why. We would all like to have directions sent to our headsets while using Google Maps on our phones. And just so you know, I own both an iPhone and an SMH10.
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