Newly unboxed and Housing is already cracked



  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    call them and get an RMA.  They are very quick in sending out a replacement.  Had mine replaced due to another problem and the new one came the next day.

  • spoonyfork

    Similar thing happened to me after a month's worth of usage. The front screw housing broke apart and the screw fell out. See attached photos.

    Photo Sep 10, 7 21 35 PM.jpg
    Photo Sep 10, 7 22 50 PM.jpg
  • Klaudiuszkarpowicz
    Exact same thing happened to two units. First one after a month of light usage. And 2nd -the replacement had same issue right of the box. Didn't finished installation.
    Third is on its way. Suppose to be a second batch. Will see.
  • Josh Bonfield
    Josh Bonfield

    Same thing as my original, out of the box like that. Cautious with the replacement now as I know how fragile it is.

  • Sena

    Please contact our Technical Support department and request an RMA to replace these headsets under our warranty service. You can submit a Help Desk request here Submit a ticket to Sena, send them an email at or call them at 1-866-300-1235 or (408) 300-9797.

  • Soren Hejnfelt
    Soren Hejnfelt

    I'd just like to add to the mix that from the original dual pack I purchased until now I have been through 6 head units - 3 of which have had the cracked housing issue.


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