Sena 50S - Bluetooth Intercom Audio Multitasking
In the manual, section 13.2.8 says that Bluetooth Intercome Audio Multitasking is disabled by default. But mesh is always on.
The NOTE says "For Bluetooth Intercom Audio Multitasking to work properly, you need to power the headset off and on. Please restart the headset"
That isn't very clear. Do I power off and back on after pairing? While taking? what??? I've tried allot of options and none seem to turn Audio Multitasking on for Bluetooth Intercom.
I'm using a pair of 50S headsets.
Whenever I turn the headset off and back on, it disables Bluetooth Intercom. I have to push the big round button once to enable bluetooth intercom and as soon as I do, the music cuts out completely and never comes back on.
Hi Clay. If you turn on the audio multi-tasking initially from the app you need to turn the headset off then on again to activate it. It then will retain the audio multi-tasking feature. From then on out the audio-multitasking will be enabled. Whenever you turn off your headset the bluetooth intercom connection disconnects. When you turn the units back on you then have to tap the jog dial from either unit to resume a bluetooth intercom connection. Mesh connections are another matter as it seems you are using the bluetooth intercom to connect the two units if I'm reading your message correctly.
To play music, you make sure your phone is connected to your headset, open the music app you are using and select the music you want to play. Hit play on the phone and it should then play in your headset. You can tap the jog dial to connect to your other headset or tap it again to disconnect. If you want to turn off the music press and hold the jog dial until you hear two beeps and the music will stop. Your intercom will still be connected to the other unit. To resume music press and hold the jog dial again until you hear two beeps and release.
If you turn on the audio overlay volume management, the music will continuously play without reducing volume when you or your other unit talks. Adjust the volume of music on your phone until you get a satisfactory balance of music and intercom. Turning the jog dial will adjust the overall volume of the music and intercom in your headset. Hope this helps!
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