GPS Pairing



  • schlimmemarcel
    Wer kann mir weiterhelfen? Habe versucht das Handy und das Navi (Zumo 340LM ). gleichzeitig anzumelden. Es geht aber immer nur eines von beiden. Nie beide gleichzeitig. Warum?
  • ToolkiT

    @Andrey Did you fix your problem? I'm having the same issue..

  • Andrey

    @ToolkiT, it's impossible. I sold my GPS.

  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote
    What would be the best pairing method to use to pair a BMW Navigator V to the SMH10? My iPhone will be paired to the Navigator. I will also be using an SR10 and SM10.
  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote
    Forgot to add, the SM10 is plugged into the bike line out (R1200RT) and the phone plugs into the glovebox to supply audio to the bike.
  • Regulator26fs

    I asked the same question here and this was the answer I got . I have a 2015 R1200RT and a Sena SMH10 and this is what the people at sena told me. I copied and pasted it from their email back to me. It does work.

    -SMH10 to Nav V as Multipoint(refer to User's Guide for pairing instructions)
    -SMH10 to phone via Media Selective
    -Phone to Nav V
    -SMH10 to other Sena headsets via Intercom

  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote
    So how did you do multipoint pairing? Is it the same process as phone selective pairing?
  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote
    Also, I'm adding an SR10 into the mix. I may need to use the SR10 as the hub or I'll run out of connections in the helmet.
  • Regulator26fs

    Chris Multipoint pairing is in the user manual . If you dont have one there is a PDF file on the Sena website that has all the instructions. It's not hard. I sugest you print it out and have it with you while standing next to the bike. Also for some reason everything seems to connect best if after pairing everything and you set out for a ride you start bike and turn on phone first then turn on the SMH 10 last. Dont ask me why LOL

  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote
    Wow. A whole step of the manual I didn't get, how to multipoint pair by holding the jog button then tapping phone button. I thought it was a typo.......! Your method for the RT works perfectly.
  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote
    As an engineer, of this sort of technology, I must say I'm a little embarrassed...!
  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote
    Ok, this process you have recommended Regulator26fs works a treat until I introduce the SR10. It seems the headset can't cope with the SR10 and the Nav V setup as listed above. Otherwise, awesome!
  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote
    Oh, I've used an SM10 on the line out of mine (a 2012 model) and added that via media selective pairing. Still works awesome until I turn on the SR10.
  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote

    Solution for BMW Navigator V, iPhone 6s, SM10 & SR10:

    Normal phone pairing from SMH10 to Nav V,

    Pair Nav V to iPhone,

    THEN: go into Bluetooth settings on Nav V and de-select "media" while headset and phone connected.

    Switch Bluetooth off on Nav V and iPhone,

    Multi-point connect SR10 as a stand-alone unit for UHF only,

    Media Select Pairing for SM10.

    Turn everything off and reboot. 

    Turn everything on then the headset(s) last. 

    Stable and works great!


  • Regulator26fs

    Glad it worked for you Chris. The above method you have just posted is only if you want to use the SR10? Is that correct? Or is it a better method than the one I posted?

  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote
    I followed your cues but I did not pair my phone to the headset via media selective, as I am using an SM10 adapter on the bike, hard wired into the line out on the bike, so it got connected to the headset via media selective pairing instead. Thanks!
  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote
    Oh and I added another pairing, that's the SR10 via multipoint, and the Nav via phone pairing. These can be switched around to give priority to the phone or UHF. However when on a call I can hear the UHF in the background. Stable, but crackly sometimes, I think that's because there is a high-powered UHF involved.
  • Sena Support
    Sena Support

    The solution that Chris posted is for pairing the BMW NAV V, the SR10 and the SM10 to the SMH10 which is the correct steps to get everything paired together. Although, you didn't need to deselect "Media" from the Bluetooth settings on the NAV V as using the Media Selecting Pairing mode when pairing the SM10 to the SMH10 will automatically take away the stereo music Bluetooth profile from the NAV V which is considered "media" on that GPS.

  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote
    Thanks! I'll re-check the media box and try it out. I am getting some popping and crackling when on phone calls, I think it has something to do with I the Nav V. Any suggestions?
  • Chris Coote
    Chris Coote
    I've de-selected voice enhancement on the SMH10 and it made a big difference.

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